August 27th continued
The afternoon was mild and we're planning on hitting the hills early on Thursday. Doug in camp and Stan is preparing his famous Tenderloin on the grill and dinner was a big hit. Most of the Painter's made it but Janet. We sat out and visited and had a fun night. Got real cool and it looks to be great out tomorrow. We'll be ready.
Thursday, August 28, 2008 - cool crisp morning and we're planning on going north and do the look across Seidel's pasture and over to the loop the back way. Should be a good day for dogs.
Hills: ran on the pasture just south of the bull pen – had good birds last week.
• Annie & Buck - Bonnie's and Betty's dogs – Buck strong and front with a very good find on a nice bunch of chickens. Annie reached for birds and was near them but never in the exact right place to work them. A big running , smooth going and fun to watch. Buck just a class dog and a force to be reckoned with on the SD circuit. 45 min. Seen a minimum of 20-25 birds and pointed 1 bunch.
• Lea & Baily – while this was a fun pasture 10 days ago – the cactus and sandburs were out in force and these dogs just had a tough time staying with it. Baily a nice improvement from her 1st time on the hills but not up to her owner's expectations. Lea tried but was having cactus catching up in her already tender feet and not a great day. A STF on some sharptails and a non productive for Baily – maybe 20 – 25 chickens and grouse in 4 different flushes but nothing really well defined. Hit the meadows at 34-40 min and Lea hit it like a pro with a strong finish on much more friendly ground. Baily got her 2nd win and the dogs finished with heart. 50 min. Lea will miss a turn or 2 with pads worn raw. Getting hot now.
Meadows: Getting hot so we took the easy country.
• Bart & Bonnie's pups – not as good as yesterday – dogs had a few moves but never really got it going in a big way.
It was getting warm and we called it a morning and decided to lay low and birdwork later. We all visited and got our chores done. Around 6 we took out some dogs for birdwork.
• Sorrel ( wanted a staunch dog for Baily to back and she came out and backed with very good manners but not a lot of style. She was mannerly for the flush and shot on Sorrel's very nice piece of work.
• Annie – on a checkcord just to get her to know there are birds here – she worked in as the breeze was almost still and got a solid flash point before the bird broke and she chased – shot over and now the chase was on. It took a bit to gather her up but 'mission accomplished'.
• Ross's English Setter – was cut loose and hunted out of the box. A very well handled and stylish point for this dog – she was steady until the flush which was what he expected. A good piece for this one.
We had a very nice evening and Ross & Betty headed out to a field trial on their way home to Tennessee – good trip for them but quite exhausting. We'll see Betty in Booneville.
Friday, August 29, 2008 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her 5 day reign with me as the oldest one in camp was over – we're back on the same year – for 360 days. We had a easy going day for her but she's improving consistently now and she has hopes of making the rodeo this weekend. Go Linda!
A cool morning with the promise of heat later. Bonnie packing up and heading to a retriever trial and a NAVHDA test for the weekend. She's a busy lady. Does a great job for AKC .
Hills: - decided on hitting the meadow around Hitchcock's lake. We haven't been there all year. Stan, Doug and I headed out.
• Erin & Brenna – cut them loose and worked the big meadow nicely with Erin working the mots in a consistent reaching pattern – Brenna hunting but not with the same pattern. We say some deer, then more deer and more deer. The dogs didn't appear to chase but we were in heavy cover and heard Brenna off barking – not a good sign. We almost walked our horses on some deer and this brace just didn't get the job done. Grounds too overgrown in some spots and no birds seen except a few hundred ducks. We decided to move on. 37 min.
• Midge & Shauna - ran the Triple Gate pasture and had a full load of cactus. These 2 started out nicely but not as smooth as they could be with the grounds – Shauna observed under a chicken and corrected – Midge a turtle find and NP – Shauna tried but the weather was now warm and cactus just giving us fits. 30 min.
• Robbie – Stan's 1st horseback brace with her – ran her on the meadows and got a nice forward pattern with good hunt and drive. Took her around the meadow and had her hit what was formerly named " Hun Alley" - she worked into the cover with scent in her face and established a stylish find when a hen Turkey and 4 young flushed – she broke and was lightly corrected but very good for this young dog. We renamed this area –Robbie's Turkey Hollow – at least for a day or two. She finished hunting nicely. 25 min.
Doug stayed around and we went out and checked the johnie houses and found the turkey had come back to the same spot. Hadn't seen them all summer and now they're here – go figure. Doug packed up and left and Stan spent the afternoon packing up for his trip home. He's taking Jimmie and Mary's new horse –Bart_ home and I'm taking the others. Stan will also have Ernie – Charlie will be able to take better care of his foot which is looking much better at this point.
We made pizza ( Lou Malnalti's ) for Linda's birthday and Stan, Linda and I had a very relaxing night. Robbie put on the string and she wasn't too happy about that. Stan's off at 6:00 am and it will very quiet here tomorrow.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 – Stan called me early – the horses didn't want to load into a strange dark trailer – but we got them and he got off by 6:30 – should be a real nice day for traveling.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hunting Irish Setters-Prairie Training -Aug. 24 - 27
Sunday, August 24 - good sleeping night – 1 outburst at 4:00 am but it quit and then another as the skunk walked through camp ( never observed but we know he was there ) no spray so we're lucky.
Ernie is still sore, maybe putting his foot down some but not much. Mary bought a real nice horse from Dennis. She should do great with him. She has to leave this morning at 8:00 am to catch a plane home. She's got an open house at their business next weekend and lots of visitors. She's a hard worker and a real asset in camp and we sure will miss her. We're planning on importing a couple of more dogs this year and see what develops with some crossing. Our lone male out of Clint and our Norwegian import is a very solid dog. Muscular, nice gait and loves birds – hard pointing with good high style and lots of class. We're going to breed him this year sometime.
Betty and Russ arrived in time for Dennis to Betty fixed up with a trusty stead. We had 4 braces on the schedule and want to beat the heat.
• Annie & Ritha – Annie not into a big run but able to get her into some chickens and actually got a clean point, flush and she chased – then she showed more run and a desire to hunt followed by a clean STF. After this she got into cactus and shut down. Ritha just not her normal self today – ran but never really got it together. Terrible day for cactus and sandburs so it's tough to blame dogs. 40 min.
• Sol & Midge- not a good brace – both dogs were shut down with the cactus today and never really showed what we expected. Saw 15 -20 birds but no dog work even though they appeared accessible. 32 min.
• Buck(Denny's dog) & Baily (Betty's dog) - Baily her first time on the hills and the cactus and sandburs really shut her down. We circled back at 22 and then Betty walked her down the meadow fence – got her confidence back and opened up. Buck was huge and handled nice. Over 30 birds seen but not with dogs. A nice race for Buck but scenting must've been real bad since he couldn't get them pointed – did have a bit of turtle work. 44 min.
• Shauna and Hope(Ross's dog) - Hope a big running puppy that had a great way of going but a little rough on handle ( what you expect with a good running young dog) Shauna was fast and big with good application to start. After 2 or 3 very good moves she hooked the rear and needed a correction – got her front and she was tentative for a bit then opened up. Birds in the air by the pond but didn't catch the dog in the act. Hope headed to camp and I ran Shauna around the loop. She showed moments of slow ups when I hacked but she learned to respond and ended up reaching nicely and showing great stamina ( roaded yesterday) and a desire to hunt but erratic application.
Birdwork: simple planted bird work near the hun pond. Using chukar.
• Midge – very nicely done with a collar still on but no need to use – stylish and good manners.
• Lily – good piece – a little low in the front and I was worried she was going to break but she marked slightly but no error.
• Shauna- a nice stylish fine with good manners.
• Robbie – checkcorded in as she's just back from being broke – nice solid point and mannerly for flush. Good 1st session.
• Rhett – Lee's young Inde pup smelled the bird and chased – in the process she knocked 5 or 6 Huns – good for her.
A lazy afternoon planned. We headed over to Painter's to celebrate Janet's B-day. Then we came back To camp. Our kids and my Mom got together and sent us Lou Malnatti's Pizza for our birthday and we made 2 of them for my B-Day dinner along with an awesome bottle of Silver Oak – great party and a fun day. Linda had a string of balloons all over the camp and in the truck to remind me what day it was!!!!!!!! as if she would let me forget! Just Lee, Stan, Linda and I in camp. Dennis had packed up at noon and headed out w/Bonnie due home and then back to camp on Tuesday.
Monday, August 25 – cool morning and we plan to concentrate our efforts on the meadows working edges and pattern work. Along with some controlled bird work.
• Hank & Mariah – Hank not getting with the program at all – just going through the motions. Mariah showed good speed and desire but not good application – way too much looping and hanging back – that's what this week is for. No bird work. 30 min.
• Katie & Susie – Katie improved quite a bit and showed the ability to go front, Susie was hooked up with a new Hi pitch whistle. I used a regular whistle, a high pitch about 5 seconds later and then a short tap. She would show shortly after and come towards me until I pointed her front. Seemed to work. She ran the last shelter belt to the chukars then birds in the air and her coming out – I yelled to whoa and she needed reinforcement to stop – which she got – and waited patiently for me. ( big winds already kicking in) but a solid course for both dogs – 28 min
• Inde & Sorrel – Inde 2 big opening moves and then she left to run the course the old way- Stan had to collect. Sorrel was with me most of the time and more work on pattern today – he's learning and showing good conditioning. Inde ran out of gas and we swung in with Sorrel still hitting it but not into the wind. 23 min.
Birdwork: Regular work at the johnie houses are depleting the birds but we need to get the young dogs worked.
• Mariah – couldn't really get her into a clean bird. She was trying to do it right.
• Sorrel – good stylish find on single
• Midge – sharp and crisp – long flush that she handled.
• Robbie – 2nd time – clean w/level style – dragging a cord.
Called it a day.
We had a great fajita dinner courtesy of Lee and he packed and hit the road home. Had to get home on Tuesday night for a big project on Wednesday. A little disappointing overall for Lee with Hank not showing him much. Ritha and Katie were okay but not what he hoped for – he's hoping they gel at Paw Paw.
Tuesday, August 26 – well Lee is gone and Bonnie due in this afternoon. Ross & Betty are working over in Basset and birds appear to be a bit thin and a long drive to good spots to work . They'll be back on Thursday. We've got Tess who just came into heat and Ernie still on the IR list with some improvement. Hope we can get him healed and on the ground before we leave.
Roading: Stan manning the ATV for roading today – found it took a bit to get used to 4 dogs and all their quirks as he road.
• Mariah, Brenna, Sorrel & Suzie – 45 min. – solid & hard working
• Erin, Lea, Shauna & Midge - 46 min – they get the edge. Strong & solid.
• Blitz & Robbin – 27 min. – Blitz very solid – Robbin's gas tank empty at 25 min but they finished 27.
A very easy afternoon- I hit town for a much, much needed haircut and trim. Stan and I went and shot the .410 pistols and .45 calibur pistol – we're pretty darn good up to 15' – they're not as accurate as one would think. Great with shotblast for varmints but not target guns by any means.
A nice dinner with just Linda, Stan & I and Bonnie coming in after dark – a bit tired but glad to be in camp.
Tomorrow, Doug is coming in along with the Painter clan for Tenderloin dinner. Wow! looking forward to Stan's feast.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 – cool with a slight overcast morning. We're running meadows today.
• Erin & Annie – Annie showing signs of enjoying herself w/some nice run – Erin slows and can really get with program but too many birds in air and him moving to say anything good about him. Needs polish – had a point – soft and ready to break – relocate but nothing good. 31 min.
• Brenna & Lily – again Lily showing more application – working on the puttering and overall – an okay course with some very good moments. Brenna an improvement but still not her best. 26 min.
• Bart & Bonnies 2 pups – all are the same age but Pal is the most independent but all had some hunt and some moves – good for 7 month old pups.
• Clifford – shows some good hunt and since he's the oldest I would like a bit more application –still they all had moments w/Cliff and one of bonnie's showing chase on a wild flush bird. 20 min.
Birdwork: went to work quail at the Seidel loop.
• Blitz – let him drag a cord and got a nice solid point. Steady for flush and shot. He's really gotten into shape and he'll make someone a fine hunting dog. He's 6, in his prime and stylish on birds. A very good nose and I'm sure some exposure to wild birds will make him one fine dog.
• Lily – worked in and a nice point – a hard flush back over her but only a minor mistake. She's getting it.
• Robbie – no cord, just a bit of juice and a solid find on a single with above level style and good manners.
• Erin – he was solid where the bird was – had to relocate and then a solid point with a wild flush behind him – gave him credit and ended on a positive note.
The afternoon is here and we've had some good work accomplished. Seems like chores are next on the horizon.
Ernie is still sore, maybe putting his foot down some but not much. Mary bought a real nice horse from Dennis. She should do great with him. She has to leave this morning at 8:00 am to catch a plane home. She's got an open house at their business next weekend and lots of visitors. She's a hard worker and a real asset in camp and we sure will miss her. We're planning on importing a couple of more dogs this year and see what develops with some crossing. Our lone male out of Clint and our Norwegian import is a very solid dog. Muscular, nice gait and loves birds – hard pointing with good high style and lots of class. We're going to breed him this year sometime.
Betty and Russ arrived in time for Dennis to Betty fixed up with a trusty stead. We had 4 braces on the schedule and want to beat the heat.
• Annie & Ritha – Annie not into a big run but able to get her into some chickens and actually got a clean point, flush and she chased – then she showed more run and a desire to hunt followed by a clean STF. After this she got into cactus and shut down. Ritha just not her normal self today – ran but never really got it together. Terrible day for cactus and sandburs so it's tough to blame dogs. 40 min.
• Sol & Midge- not a good brace – both dogs were shut down with the cactus today and never really showed what we expected. Saw 15 -20 birds but no dog work even though they appeared accessible. 32 min.
• Buck(Denny's dog) & Baily (Betty's dog) - Baily her first time on the hills and the cactus and sandburs really shut her down. We circled back at 22 and then Betty walked her down the meadow fence – got her confidence back and opened up. Buck was huge and handled nice. Over 30 birds seen but not with dogs. A nice race for Buck but scenting must've been real bad since he couldn't get them pointed – did have a bit of turtle work. 44 min.
• Shauna and Hope(Ross's dog) - Hope a big running puppy that had a great way of going but a little rough on handle ( what you expect with a good running young dog) Shauna was fast and big with good application to start. After 2 or 3 very good moves she hooked the rear and needed a correction – got her front and she was tentative for a bit then opened up. Birds in the air by the pond but didn't catch the dog in the act. Hope headed to camp and I ran Shauna around the loop. She showed moments of slow ups when I hacked but she learned to respond and ended up reaching nicely and showing great stamina ( roaded yesterday) and a desire to hunt but erratic application.
Birdwork: simple planted bird work near the hun pond. Using chukar.
• Midge – very nicely done with a collar still on but no need to use – stylish and good manners.
• Lily – good piece – a little low in the front and I was worried she was going to break but she marked slightly but no error.
• Shauna- a nice stylish fine with good manners.
• Robbie – checkcorded in as she's just back from being broke – nice solid point and mannerly for flush. Good 1st session.
• Rhett – Lee's young Inde pup smelled the bird and chased – in the process she knocked 5 or 6 Huns – good for her.
A lazy afternoon planned. We headed over to Painter's to celebrate Janet's B-day. Then we came back To camp. Our kids and my Mom got together and sent us Lou Malnatti's Pizza for our birthday and we made 2 of them for my B-Day dinner along with an awesome bottle of Silver Oak – great party and a fun day. Linda had a string of balloons all over the camp and in the truck to remind me what day it was!!!!!!!! as if she would let me forget! Just Lee, Stan, Linda and I in camp. Dennis had packed up at noon and headed out w/Bonnie due home and then back to camp on Tuesday.
Monday, August 25 – cool morning and we plan to concentrate our efforts on the meadows working edges and pattern work. Along with some controlled bird work.
• Hank & Mariah – Hank not getting with the program at all – just going through the motions. Mariah showed good speed and desire but not good application – way too much looping and hanging back – that's what this week is for. No bird work. 30 min.
• Katie & Susie – Katie improved quite a bit and showed the ability to go front, Susie was hooked up with a new Hi pitch whistle. I used a regular whistle, a high pitch about 5 seconds later and then a short tap. She would show shortly after and come towards me until I pointed her front. Seemed to work. She ran the last shelter belt to the chukars then birds in the air and her coming out – I yelled to whoa and she needed reinforcement to stop – which she got – and waited patiently for me. ( big winds already kicking in) but a solid course for both dogs – 28 min
• Inde & Sorrel – Inde 2 big opening moves and then she left to run the course the old way- Stan had to collect. Sorrel was with me most of the time and more work on pattern today – he's learning and showing good conditioning. Inde ran out of gas and we swung in with Sorrel still hitting it but not into the wind. 23 min.
Birdwork: Regular work at the johnie houses are depleting the birds but we need to get the young dogs worked.
• Mariah – couldn't really get her into a clean bird. She was trying to do it right.
• Sorrel – good stylish find on single
• Midge – sharp and crisp – long flush that she handled.
• Robbie – 2nd time – clean w/level style – dragging a cord.
Called it a day.
We had a great fajita dinner courtesy of Lee and he packed and hit the road home. Had to get home on Tuesday night for a big project on Wednesday. A little disappointing overall for Lee with Hank not showing him much. Ritha and Katie were okay but not what he hoped for – he's hoping they gel at Paw Paw.
Tuesday, August 26 – well Lee is gone and Bonnie due in this afternoon. Ross & Betty are working over in Basset and birds appear to be a bit thin and a long drive to good spots to work . They'll be back on Thursday. We've got Tess who just came into heat and Ernie still on the IR list with some improvement. Hope we can get him healed and on the ground before we leave.
Roading: Stan manning the ATV for roading today – found it took a bit to get used to 4 dogs and all their quirks as he road.
• Mariah, Brenna, Sorrel & Suzie – 45 min. – solid & hard working
• Erin, Lea, Shauna & Midge - 46 min – they get the edge. Strong & solid.
• Blitz & Robbin – 27 min. – Blitz very solid – Robbin's gas tank empty at 25 min but they finished 27.
A very easy afternoon- I hit town for a much, much needed haircut and trim. Stan and I went and shot the .410 pistols and .45 calibur pistol – we're pretty darn good up to 15' – they're not as accurate as one would think. Great with shotblast for varmints but not target guns by any means.
A nice dinner with just Linda, Stan & I and Bonnie coming in after dark – a bit tired but glad to be in camp.
Tomorrow, Doug is coming in along with the Painter clan for Tenderloin dinner. Wow! looking forward to Stan's feast.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 – cool with a slight overcast morning. We're running meadows today.
• Erin & Annie – Annie showing signs of enjoying herself w/some nice run – Erin slows and can really get with program but too many birds in air and him moving to say anything good about him. Needs polish – had a point – soft and ready to break – relocate but nothing good. 31 min.
• Brenna & Lily – again Lily showing more application – working on the puttering and overall – an okay course with some very good moments. Brenna an improvement but still not her best. 26 min.
• Bart & Bonnies 2 pups – all are the same age but Pal is the most independent but all had some hunt and some moves – good for 7 month old pups.
• Clifford – shows some good hunt and since he's the oldest I would like a bit more application –still they all had moments w/Cliff and one of bonnie's showing chase on a wild flush bird. 20 min.
Birdwork: went to work quail at the Seidel loop.
• Blitz – let him drag a cord and got a nice solid point. Steady for flush and shot. He's really gotten into shape and he'll make someone a fine hunting dog. He's 6, in his prime and stylish on birds. A very good nose and I'm sure some exposure to wild birds will make him one fine dog.
• Lily – worked in and a nice point – a hard flush back over her but only a minor mistake. She's getting it.
• Robbie – no cord, just a bit of juice and a solid find on a single with above level style and good manners.
• Erin – he was solid where the bird was – had to relocate and then a solid point with a wild flush behind him – gave him credit and ended on a positive note.
The afternoon is here and we've had some good work accomplished. Seems like chores are next on the horizon.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hunting Irish Setters -Prairie Training -August 16 - August 23
Saturday, August 16, 2008 – nice cool sleeping night and a clear day on the horizon. We're hooking up and getting ready to do some training. The crew has the chore of packing up today as Phil is leaving early Sunday morning with all the kids and Bob is going home also but he'll be back.
• Suzie, Hank, Kate & Sorrel – very solid 34 min. and this crew is ready for a jump.
• Erin & Midge – Last morning for the kids so we have most of them out here riding and helping. Erin out the box into a nice flowing forward race – while Midge bouncing around. Too much back and had to get on her. Both go over a hill and 10 and bust birds and off to the races……… Took awhile but I had her attached and we got her back & Luke got Erin and we corrected. Sent on they hit the front and Midge a bit better – Erin winded and head up a hill, pointing nicely with Midge crowding and busting and both going w/chickens. Once again we corrected and sent on. Erin the better race all the way and both need some polish on birds. 45 min. -5 or 6 chickens.
• Lea & Brenna – Brenna still a flake with back casts and puttering – Lea worked nicely and consistently forward with wide casts and thoughtful application. She crossed in front and established nicely with me calling Brenna in and getting a command back as birds flushed. I fired and more birds flushed in front of Brenna and all toll there were 17 sharptail flushed – awesome piece for Lea with class and perfect manners. 40 min. Lea the clearcut DOD and Brenna on the list & that's not the good list.
• Shauna & Lily – Bob going to attempt to handle this brace. We ran them on the meadows after releasing several Huns and moving them around. Lily got lost for a good bit in the Seidel loop and Shauna just rock and rolled – lots of speed and forward application but no good birdwork. In the area of some released bird but couldn't connect. Lily came in too and they hunted the shelter belt only to have all kinds of birds in the air and no dogs standing still. Young dogs – 28 min.
Birdwork – took 4 down to the pond and worked birds for basic manners. All work on very good flying Huns.
• Erin – Luke cut him loose and he tried to sent the birds I had but then went down the line and pointed solidly though not with a real high tail. Good manners for the flush and shot.
• Midge- fast and snappy, pointed a long way off and while intent, not much style but good manners for the flush and shot.
• Brenna – worked well and got very close and then pointed solidly but with a level tail – touch of styling and she looked great.
• Sorrel – bang out to the box and down the line and a very stylish point with perfect manners. Real good for this guy. Seems to be focusing again.
A very nice morning with all dogs getting the desired work. Back to camp to continue the big pack up job for the kids. The afternoon was spent with Phil's crew getting ready and heading to the Niobrara River for the afternoon. The rest of us will meet them in Valentine for dinner at the Cedar Canyon and the rodeo at 7:30. Linda is not going to make the trip – just too much of that bumpy road ( worse after all the rain this week) and she'll hold down the fort. Bob is still sore but he managed to at least handle one and getting up was a pretty good sign that nothing was broken.
Off to the Rodeo. We meant John Rabidou at Young's Western store. He's feeling good and and enjoying his new place in Nebraska. Suzie Shaitel was with him and enjoying the sandhills.
A good dinner at the renamed restaurant and a big rodeo. It wasn'a over to 11 pm and we didn't make it home till after midnight. Lots of good rides and plenty of action in the wild horse ride. The kids really enjoyed that part.
Sunday, August 17 – Phil's crew up at 5 am and they were looking good by 6:30 to 7 – on the road about 7:30 with 3 vehicles, Jetta, Jeep and the Rig!!! Phil not really happy with him rig – lots of little things making him think twice about his 1 ton Ford. We'll see what happens.
Joe, Rhe'Ann and Whitley came over this morning to help out and see the dogs work. We got them catching our mounts and getting them used to saddling a whole different type of saddle and bit. They caught on quick.
We decided to run the Meadows and started with a couple of A-Team dogs or at least they were until today.
• Ernie & Lea – off they went with Ernie trying to run south when I wanted to go west – finally got him turned with Lea hanging to the front – doing a nice job. Ernie with power but no power steering. We lost him in the back loop going west on a line I needed him to go east on and then lost Lea in the cover – must've been buried in on the loop. Saw a couple of nice mule deer in the loop but no dogs with them. Got Lea going front but no Ernie. We hunted for the dogs to the Hun House and still no dogs - finally had Lea coming out and my scouts were in the middle of the big part of the meadow when he saw Ernie grab the east end going north then across camp and back to the center island and then zero in on a spot where 6 huns landed, geezelled them and then rolled out of site with no intent of handling. Lea had gotten charged up and this beautiful 58 degree morning was heating up as my blood started to boil. We collected Lea – then got Ernie to come with and put this group away. 40 minutes – very cool
Well, Joe and the kids got a good idea of how much ground 'out of control' dogs and fast stepping horses could cover'. It was fun though.
• Clifford & Tess – we new where a bunch of Huns had flushed so we took off with these two. Tess still lingers at the rear and putters with ground sent just too much. I had hoped wild birds would help but she needs to get out front to get the. Clifford is steady – not extremely fast but very consistent and always to the front. Responds well when I call. He almost snagged another tweety bird but missed and kept on hunting. He was steady all the way around and was my DOD. 30 minutes with warming temps.
Roading: got Whitley hooked up to run the rig and he roaded one brace for me – in between braces as we took a break. He's an experienced ATV operator and good with animals so no problem.
• Erin & Mariah –these 2 were all business – solid and fast 30 min.
That was it for the day – Linda busy in the house getting things cleaned and organized and I did the same outside. A big nap was in order and a bit of just relaxing and watched a couple of old Cary Grant flicks. Then time for chores – the crew was diminished and we missed them but we got them done. Everybody is looking good. We'll look at their food intake and check them over thoroughly to make sure everyone is fine at the ½ point.
Had our dinner inside watching the rest of the movie and hit the hay for a great nights sleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008 – A quiet night and cool morning.
• Kate, Ritha, Sorrel & Lily – Lily broke away and slipped her harness – 5 months to catch – got her set up and started again –now Tess was loose and got Lily to slip again. Got Tess caught but Lily wouldn't come so I just ran her with the ATV for about 10 minutes till she came to water and hooked her up. Fine after that but she's still new to roading.
Now I need to do some work and a few chores although Linda managed to take care of most things. Got my saddles and stuff set back up and then loaded garbage to the dump and we had a bunch plus I had a 1:00 truck appointment to check out the transmission. Made my stops and got the truck. They said it appears to be okay – we'll test her out and see if it really is okay!
Now back to camp and afternoon work. The dogs will be getting a bit of a break until we get a bit more help – reinforcements due in a few days.
We hear that Phil and then crew got in about midnight. Bob broke down west of Sioux City. Lucas and his bunch stayed with Bob while he arranged a tow. Sounds like front drive train problems. Bob got a room in Sioux City and Lucas went on and caught the rest of troops. Shows the importance of traveling with somebody when possible. Bob found out on Monday morning that it was front end problem and would be ready on Tuesday.
Chore time!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 19th
The Blog will be rather thin this week. Just Linda and I at camp with about 30 dogs, 6 horses and birds to take care of, we have a pretty full schedule.
Tuesday ended up being an 'off day' no dog work at all today. More office stuff and trip to town for supplies, mail etc.
Wednesday, August 20th
Weather has gotten cooler at night and mild during the day, barely reaching 80 at camp. Roger is moving around some – saw him in a truck in town. Looked a bit guilty – thought maybe I knew his doctor. I managed to make it a pretty good morning to road.
Going to be windy today and for a few days.
• Erin, Mariah, Lea & Midge – 41 min. – great morning – damp and cool – dogs pulled hard from beginning to end. Saw a big whitetail – 12 point – balanced & wide going south in the home meadow heading to the big meadow.
• Ernie, Suzie, Hank & Ritha –solid roading group until Suzie ( right front) dive to the left after a tweetie bird and got herself run over by the ATV – had to back off her and no signs of damage. – 40+
• Katie, Ritha, Sorrel & Shauna – solid crew with good effort – Sorrel not the best at getting into the water and cool himself off. Seems like his stamina is doing and the treatment for lyme's appears to be working. He's down to his last few days of treatment.
The reinforcements are coming – Mary due in on Thursday AM and Lee and Stan both are driving out and should in by lunch. Dennis was leaving Thursday after work and should be in to run on Friday. Yea Team!!!!!!!!!! Getting more birds on Friday morning. We've gotten rid of the raccoon but our quail have never gotten over the stress of shipping and the loop hasn't been hayed so no opportunity to birdwork there. Next week will be lots of birdwork.
Thursday, August 21st - good night sleeping –Mary called and she'd be in about ten or so. Picking up things if we needed anything. Still trying to get caught up with work.
• Inde, Tess, Lily & Annie – Annie and Inde did fine – Tess not as excited and Lily just didn't want to road – had to tie her in the front. (Tess has become the consummate stake puller. She get's her stake out of the ground many if not most nights. She comes right to you dragging the stake and this usually happens at about 4:00 am - I'm sure you realize that the dogs all have to get up and let us know that Tess is loose. We're looking at a cement truck to fix the problem!!!!
Mary showed up and we're doing some catch up chores. Ernie appears to be tender in the front left foot. Can't find a specific spot but no swelling or heat. He's on the IR list.
Friday, August 22, 2008 – Dennis showed up last night and ready to work today. Stan showed up 1st and Lee a bit later on Friday. I picked up birds in town and then got some shopping done. The group was busy getting set up in camp. I stopped and visited Roger and he seems to be making big gains. I was going to the vet but Charlie suggested we wait till Monday and see how he is before we do the x-ray thing.
We took out a road crew and worked on the bird pen – fixed all the wire holes that the coon had done when he was attacking the Huns. Only 12-15 huns left – pulled them out and transferred to the pond Hun house. Hopefully we can drag some birds back to that area.
We loaded the chukar in the bird house for planted bird work and filled the 2 quail houses on the Seidel loop with quail. Hope we get some action at these spots for the last 2 weeks of camp.
Friday afternoon, Dennis took Mary on a couple of braces working Sol & Buck. He was pretty happy with Buck but Sol wasn't handling birds. They saw a 30 bird covey of Huns and 3 bunches of chickens but no positive bird work. Mary road some horses and was enjoying the selection process.
We now decided to make a good dinner and get ready for friends to drop by. Devin, Shannon, Jason, Heather and Sonja(back from her summer in California and week in Australia) all stopped by and later Joe & Lorie with Whitley and a friend came by and visited. Whitley is going to try and do some roading for us tomorrow if his friend is around. We had a fun night listening to music and telling stories out in the gazebo. This makes the nights so pleasant when you can sit out and not have the bugs carry you away.
A cool night is forecast – down in the 50's.
Saturday, August 23 - dogs when crazy about 4:00 am – somebody loose but not sure how – just one dog then for quite awhile. Great weather for sleeping but too damn noisy.
No change in Ernie yet – still holding paw up and doesn't want to put weight on it.
Roading: Whitley made it down and Linda set him up to road.
• Lea, Suzie – 40 min. – very solid pair
• Tess & Shauna – Tess 20 min. – just didn't want to do it – Shauna 40 min.
Hills: Today we have Stan, Lee, Dennis & Mary is back ( hoping to find a horse from Dennis this weekend. We road to Triple Gates and got the show on the road.
• Erin & Kate – Kate did a decent job – wide and good speed and drive – in the area of some birds and had a STB -- Then a STF and a good find on a single. Course was okay and bird work – impoving. Erin, the bigger on the ground with another solid race. He had two opportunities to point and got a knock and chase with correction. Plenty of birds but no cigar for Erin. 43 min.
• Brenna & Gus – Gus has drive ( pointer) range and independence – the other tools are open to question until Denny gets him handling but tons of potential. Brenna was oink of the day. Just got into cactus and never put it together.
• Hank & Sorrel – Hank wasn't with the program today – he was rather short and not hitting a lick. Sorrel showed the range and drive with a NP at the beginning and one opportunity around birds but nothing handled. 41 min.
• Bart & Clifford - worked the meadow and did a nice job, both hunting and going front. No birds observed. 25 min.
The afternoon just begged for a nap. Linda & Mary made it to town with Linda going in Mary's car. That made the trip bearable for Linda but she's at least got to town. She's doing her exercises and doing better but it's a slow process.
Roger , Janet & the whole family are coming to dinner for Lee's famous ribs, corn and beans. Should be a fun night. We got things ready and visited with our good friends the Painter's. Lots of stories and many discussions about " Bob's future as a rodeo clown" or "Matador" is going to turn out. We have definitely determined that there is some real truth to the axiom: ' you can't teach and old dog new tricks' -- did you get that Bob?
It was also decided that both Linda's and Roger's injuries were the result of going above and beyond the call of duty!!! Bob's injury was the result of ……………………. need to change my ink!
Bob will be back Labor Day and we'll need to discuss this somemore. Stan, Dennis, Mary and Lee all agreed that Bob's bull fighting days were OVER!!!!!!!!!
Time to call it a night!! Betty Shearhouse and her friend Russ are due in camp tomorrow and we're taking them to the hills.
Saturday, August 16, 2008 – nice cool sleeping night and a clear day on the horizon. We're hooking up and getting ready to do some training. The crew has the chore of packing up today as Phil is leaving early Sunday morning with all the kids and Bob is going home also but he'll be back.
• Suzie, Hank, Kate & Sorrel – very solid 34 min. and this crew is ready for a jump.
• Erin & Midge – Last morning for the kids so we have most of them out here riding and helping. Erin out the box into a nice flowing forward race – while Midge bouncing around. Too much back and had to get on her. Both go over a hill and 10 and bust birds and off to the races……… Took awhile but I had her attached and we got her back & Luke got Erin and we corrected. Sent on they hit the front and Midge a bit better – Erin winded and head up a hill, pointing nicely with Midge crowding and busting and both going w/chickens. Once again we corrected and sent on. Erin the better race all the way and both need some polish on birds. 45 min. -5 or 6 chickens.
• Lea & Brenna – Brenna still a flake with back casts and puttering – Lea worked nicely and consistently forward with wide casts and thoughtful application. She crossed in front and established nicely with me calling Brenna in and getting a command back as birds flushed. I fired and more birds flushed in front of Brenna and all toll there were 17 sharptail flushed – awesome piece for Lea with class and perfect manners. 40 min. Lea the clearcut DOD and Brenna on the list & that's not the good list.
• Shauna & Lily – Bob going to attempt to handle this brace. We ran them on the meadows after releasing several Huns and moving them around. Lily got lost for a good bit in the Seidel loop and Shauna just rock and rolled – lots of speed and forward application but no good birdwork. In the area of some released bird but couldn't connect. Lily came in too and they hunted the shelter belt only to have all kinds of birds in the air and no dogs standing still. Young dogs – 28 min.
Birdwork – took 4 down to the pond and worked birds for basic manners. All work on very good flying Huns.
• Erin – Luke cut him loose and he tried to sent the birds I had but then went down the line and pointed solidly though not with a real high tail. Good manners for the flush and shot.
• Midge- fast and snappy, pointed a long way off and while intent, not much style but good manners for the flush and shot.
• Brenna – worked well and got very close and then pointed solidly but with a level tail – touch of styling and she looked great.
• Sorrel – bang out to the box and down the line and a very stylish point with perfect manners. Real good for this guy. Seems to be focusing again.
A very nice morning with all dogs getting the desired work. Back to camp to continue the big pack up job for the kids. The afternoon was spent with Phil's crew getting ready and heading to the Niobrara River for the afternoon. The rest of us will meet them in Valentine for dinner at the Cedar Canyon and the rodeo at 7:30. Linda is not going to make the trip – just too much of that bumpy road ( worse after all the rain this week) and she'll hold down the fort. Bob is still sore but he managed to at least handle one and getting up was a pretty good sign that nothing was broken.
Off to the Rodeo. We meant John Rabidou at Young's Western store. He's feeling good and and enjoying his new place in Nebraska. Suzie Shaitel was with him and enjoying the sandhills.
A good dinner at the renamed restaurant and a big rodeo. It wasn'a over to 11 pm and we didn't make it home till after midnight. Lots of good rides and plenty of action in the wild horse ride. The kids really enjoyed that part.
Sunday, August 17 – Phil's crew up at 5 am and they were looking good by 6:30 to 7 – on the road about 7:30 with 3 vehicles, Jetta, Jeep and the Rig!!! Phil not really happy with him rig – lots of little things making him think twice about his 1 ton Ford. We'll see what happens.
Joe, Rhe'Ann and Whitley came over this morning to help out and see the dogs work. We got them catching our mounts and getting them used to saddling a whole different type of saddle and bit. They caught on quick.
We decided to run the Meadows and started with a couple of A-Team dogs or at least they were until today.
• Ernie & Lea – off they went with Ernie trying to run south when I wanted to go west – finally got him turned with Lea hanging to the front – doing a nice job. Ernie with power but no power steering. We lost him in the back loop going west on a line I needed him to go east on and then lost Lea in the cover – must've been buried in on the loop. Saw a couple of nice mule deer in the loop but no dogs with them. Got Lea going front but no Ernie. We hunted for the dogs to the Hun House and still no dogs - finally had Lea coming out and my scouts were in the middle of the big part of the meadow when he saw Ernie grab the east end going north then across camp and back to the center island and then zero in on a spot where 6 huns landed, geezelled them and then rolled out of site with no intent of handling. Lea had gotten charged up and this beautiful 58 degree morning was heating up as my blood started to boil. We collected Lea – then got Ernie to come with and put this group away. 40 minutes – very cool
Well, Joe and the kids got a good idea of how much ground 'out of control' dogs and fast stepping horses could cover'. It was fun though.
• Clifford & Tess – we new where a bunch of Huns had flushed so we took off with these two. Tess still lingers at the rear and putters with ground sent just too much. I had hoped wild birds would help but she needs to get out front to get the. Clifford is steady – not extremely fast but very consistent and always to the front. Responds well when I call. He almost snagged another tweety bird but missed and kept on hunting. He was steady all the way around and was my DOD. 30 minutes with warming temps.
Roading: got Whitley hooked up to run the rig and he roaded one brace for me – in between braces as we took a break. He's an experienced ATV operator and good with animals so no problem.
• Erin & Mariah –these 2 were all business – solid and fast 30 min.
That was it for the day – Linda busy in the house getting things cleaned and organized and I did the same outside. A big nap was in order and a bit of just relaxing and watched a couple of old Cary Grant flicks. Then time for chores – the crew was diminished and we missed them but we got them done. Everybody is looking good. We'll look at their food intake and check them over thoroughly to make sure everyone is fine at the ½ point.
Had our dinner inside watching the rest of the movie and hit the hay for a great nights sleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008 – A quiet night and cool morning.
• Kate, Ritha, Sorrel & Lily – Lily broke away and slipped her harness – 5 months to catch – got her set up and started again –now Tess was loose and got Lily to slip again. Got Tess caught but Lily wouldn't come so I just ran her with the ATV for about 10 minutes till she came to water and hooked her up. Fine after that but she's still new to roading.
Now I need to do some work and a few chores although Linda managed to take care of most things. Got my saddles and stuff set back up and then loaded garbage to the dump and we had a bunch plus I had a 1:00 truck appointment to check out the transmission. Made my stops and got the truck. They said it appears to be okay – we'll test her out and see if it really is okay!
Now back to camp and afternoon work. The dogs will be getting a bit of a break until we get a bit more help – reinforcements due in a few days.
We hear that Phil and then crew got in about midnight. Bob broke down west of Sioux City. Lucas and his bunch stayed with Bob while he arranged a tow. Sounds like front drive train problems. Bob got a room in Sioux City and Lucas went on and caught the rest of troops. Shows the importance of traveling with somebody when possible. Bob found out on Monday morning that it was front end problem and would be ready on Tuesday.
Chore time!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 19th
The Blog will be rather thin this week. Just Linda and I at camp with about 30 dogs, 6 horses and birds to take care of, we have a pretty full schedule.
Tuesday ended up being an 'off day' no dog work at all today. More office stuff and trip to town for supplies, mail etc.
Wednesday, August 20th
Weather has gotten cooler at night and mild during the day, barely reaching 80 at camp. Roger is moving around some – saw him in a truck in town. Looked a bit guilty – thought maybe I knew his doctor. I managed to make it a pretty good morning to road.
Going to be windy today and for a few days.
• Erin, Mariah, Lea & Midge – 41 min. – great morning – damp and cool – dogs pulled hard from beginning to end. Saw a big whitetail – 12 point – balanced & wide going south in the home meadow heading to the big meadow.
• Ernie, Suzie, Hank & Ritha –solid roading group until Suzie ( right front) dive to the left after a tweetie bird and got herself run over by the ATV – had to back off her and no signs of damage. – 40+
• Katie, Ritha, Sorrel & Shauna – solid crew with good effort – Sorrel not the best at getting into the water and cool himself off. Seems like his stamina is doing and the treatment for lyme's appears to be working. He's down to his last few days of treatment.
The reinforcements are coming – Mary due in on Thursday AM and Lee and Stan both are driving out and should in by lunch. Dennis was leaving Thursday after work and should be in to run on Friday. Yea Team!!!!!!!!!! Getting more birds on Friday morning. We've gotten rid of the raccoon but our quail have never gotten over the stress of shipping and the loop hasn't been hayed so no opportunity to birdwork there. Next week will be lots of birdwork.
Thursday, August 21st - good night sleeping –Mary called and she'd be in about ten or so. Picking up things if we needed anything. Still trying to get caught up with work.
• Inde, Tess, Lily & Annie – Annie and Inde did fine – Tess not as excited and Lily just didn't want to road – had to tie her in the front. (Tess has become the consummate stake puller. She get's her stake out of the ground many if not most nights. She comes right to you dragging the stake and this usually happens at about 4:00 am - I'm sure you realize that the dogs all have to get up and let us know that Tess is loose. We're looking at a cement truck to fix the problem!!!!
Mary showed up and we're doing some catch up chores. Ernie appears to be tender in the front left foot. Can't find a specific spot but no swelling or heat. He's on the IR list.
Friday, August 22, 2008 – Dennis showed up last night and ready to work today. Stan showed up 1st and Lee a bit later on Friday. I picked up birds in town and then got some shopping done. The group was busy getting set up in camp. I stopped and visited Roger and he seems to be making big gains. I was going to the vet but Charlie suggested we wait till Monday and see how he is before we do the x-ray thing.
We took out a road crew and worked on the bird pen – fixed all the wire holes that the coon had done when he was attacking the Huns. Only 12-15 huns left – pulled them out and transferred to the pond Hun house. Hopefully we can drag some birds back to that area.
We loaded the chukar in the bird house for planted bird work and filled the 2 quail houses on the Seidel loop with quail. Hope we get some action at these spots for the last 2 weeks of camp.
Friday afternoon, Dennis took Mary on a couple of braces working Sol & Buck. He was pretty happy with Buck but Sol wasn't handling birds. They saw a 30 bird covey of Huns and 3 bunches of chickens but no positive bird work. Mary road some horses and was enjoying the selection process.
We now decided to make a good dinner and get ready for friends to drop by. Devin, Shannon, Jason, Heather and Sonja(back from her summer in California and week in Australia) all stopped by and later Joe & Lorie with Whitley and a friend came by and visited. Whitley is going to try and do some roading for us tomorrow if his friend is around. We had a fun night listening to music and telling stories out in the gazebo. This makes the nights so pleasant when you can sit out and not have the bugs carry you away.
A cool night is forecast – down in the 50's.
Saturday, August 23 - dogs when crazy about 4:00 am – somebody loose but not sure how – just one dog then for quite awhile. Great weather for sleeping but too damn noisy.
No change in Ernie yet – still holding paw up and doesn't want to put weight on it.
Roading: Whitley made it down and Linda set him up to road.
• Lea, Suzie – 40 min. – very solid pair
• Tess & Shauna – Tess 20 min. – just didn't want to do it – Shauna 40 min.
Hills: Today we have Stan, Lee, Dennis & Mary is back ( hoping to find a horse from Dennis this weekend. We road to Triple Gates and got the show on the road.
• Erin & Kate – Kate did a decent job – wide and good speed and drive – in the area of some birds and had a STB -- Then a STF and a good find on a single. Course was okay and bird work – impoving. Erin, the bigger on the ground with another solid race. He had two opportunities to point and got a knock and chase with correction. Plenty of birds but no cigar for Erin. 43 min.
• Brenna & Gus – Gus has drive ( pointer) range and independence – the other tools are open to question until Denny gets him handling but tons of potential. Brenna was oink of the day. Just got into cactus and never put it together.
• Hank & Sorrel – Hank wasn't with the program today – he was rather short and not hitting a lick. Sorrel showed the range and drive with a NP at the beginning and one opportunity around birds but nothing handled. 41 min.
• Bart & Clifford - worked the meadow and did a nice job, both hunting and going front. No birds observed. 25 min.
The afternoon just begged for a nap. Linda & Mary made it to town with Linda going in Mary's car. That made the trip bearable for Linda but she's at least got to town. She's doing her exercises and doing better but it's a slow process.
Roger , Janet & the whole family are coming to dinner for Lee's famous ribs, corn and beans. Should be a fun night. We got things ready and visited with our good friends the Painter's. Lots of stories and many discussions about " Bob's future as a rodeo clown" or "Matador" is going to turn out. We have definitely determined that there is some real truth to the axiom: ' you can't teach and old dog new tricks' -- did you get that Bob?
It was also decided that both Linda's and Roger's injuries were the result of going above and beyond the call of duty!!! Bob's injury was the result of ……………………. need to change my ink!
Bob will be back Labor Day and we'll need to discuss this somemore. Stan, Dennis, Mary and Lee all agreed that Bob's bull fighting days were OVER!!!!!!!!!
Time to call it a night!! Betty Shearhouse and her friend Russ are due in camp tomorrow and we're taking them to the hills.
• Suzie, Hank, Kate & Sorrel – very solid 34 min. and this crew is ready for a jump.
• Erin & Midge – Last morning for the kids so we have most of them out here riding and helping. Erin out the box into a nice flowing forward race – while Midge bouncing around. Too much back and had to get on her. Both go over a hill and 10 and bust birds and off to the races……… Took awhile but I had her attached and we got her back & Luke got Erin and we corrected. Sent on they hit the front and Midge a bit better – Erin winded and head up a hill, pointing nicely with Midge crowding and busting and both going w/chickens. Once again we corrected and sent on. Erin the better race all the way and both need some polish on birds. 45 min. -5 or 6 chickens.
• Lea & Brenna – Brenna still a flake with back casts and puttering – Lea worked nicely and consistently forward with wide casts and thoughtful application. She crossed in front and established nicely with me calling Brenna in and getting a command back as birds flushed. I fired and more birds flushed in front of Brenna and all toll there were 17 sharptail flushed – awesome piece for Lea with class and perfect manners. 40 min. Lea the clearcut DOD and Brenna on the list & that's not the good list.
• Shauna & Lily – Bob going to attempt to handle this brace. We ran them on the meadows after releasing several Huns and moving them around. Lily got lost for a good bit in the Seidel loop and Shauna just rock and rolled – lots of speed and forward application but no good birdwork. In the area of some released bird but couldn't connect. Lily came in too and they hunted the shelter belt only to have all kinds of birds in the air and no dogs standing still. Young dogs – 28 min.
Birdwork – took 4 down to the pond and worked birds for basic manners. All work on very good flying Huns.
• Erin – Luke cut him loose and he tried to sent the birds I had but then went down the line and pointed solidly though not with a real high tail. Good manners for the flush and shot.
• Midge- fast and snappy, pointed a long way off and while intent, not much style but good manners for the flush and shot.
• Brenna – worked well and got very close and then pointed solidly but with a level tail – touch of styling and she looked great.
• Sorrel – bang out to the box and down the line and a very stylish point with perfect manners. Real good for this guy. Seems to be focusing again.
A very nice morning with all dogs getting the desired work. Back to camp to continue the big pack up job for the kids. The afternoon was spent with Phil's crew getting ready and heading to the Niobrara River for the afternoon. The rest of us will meet them in Valentine for dinner at the Cedar Canyon and the rodeo at 7:30. Linda is not going to make the trip – just too much of that bumpy road ( worse after all the rain this week) and she'll hold down the fort. Bob is still sore but he managed to at least handle one and getting up was a pretty good sign that nothing was broken.
Off to the Rodeo. We meant John Rabidou at Young's Western store. He's feeling good and and enjoying his new place in Nebraska. Suzie Shaitel was with him and enjoying the sandhills.
A good dinner at the renamed restaurant and a big rodeo. It wasn'a over to 11 pm and we didn't make it home till after midnight. Lots of good rides and plenty of action in the wild horse ride. The kids really enjoyed that part.
Sunday, August 17 – Phil's crew up at 5 am and they were looking good by 6:30 to 7 – on the road about 7:30 with 3 vehicles, Jetta, Jeep and the Rig!!! Phil not really happy with him rig – lots of little things making him think twice about his 1 ton Ford. We'll see what happens.
Joe, Rhe'Ann and Whitley came over this morning to help out and see the dogs work. We got them catching our mounts and getting them used to saddling a whole different type of saddle and bit. They caught on quick.
We decided to run the Meadows and started with a couple of A-Team dogs or at least they were until today.
• Ernie & Lea – off they went with Ernie trying to run south when I wanted to go west – finally got him turned with Lea hanging to the front – doing a nice job. Ernie with power but no power steering. We lost him in the back loop going west on a line I needed him to go east on and then lost Lea in the cover – must've been buried in on the loop. Saw a couple of nice mule deer in the loop but no dogs with them. Got Lea going front but no Ernie. We hunted for the dogs to the Hun House and still no dogs - finally had Lea coming out and my scouts were in the middle of the big part of the meadow when he saw Ernie grab the east end going north then across camp and back to the center island and then zero in on a spot where 6 huns landed, geezelled them and then rolled out of site with no intent of handling. Lea had gotten charged up and this beautiful 58 degree morning was heating up as my blood started to boil. We collected Lea – then got Ernie to come with and put this group away. 40 minutes – very cool
Well, Joe and the kids got a good idea of how much ground 'out of control' dogs and fast stepping horses could cover'. It was fun though.
• Clifford & Tess – we new where a bunch of Huns had flushed so we took off with these two. Tess still lingers at the rear and putters with ground sent just too much. I had hoped wild birds would help but she needs to get out front to get the. Clifford is steady – not extremely fast but very consistent and always to the front. Responds well when I call. He almost snagged another tweety bird but missed and kept on hunting. He was steady all the way around and was my DOD. 30 minutes with warming temps.
Roading: got Whitley hooked up to run the rig and he roaded one brace for me – in between braces as we took a break. He's an experienced ATV operator and good with animals so no problem.
• Erin & Mariah –these 2 were all business – solid and fast 30 min.
That was it for the day – Linda busy in the house getting things cleaned and organized and I did the same outside. A big nap was in order and a bit of just relaxing and watched a couple of old Cary Grant flicks. Then time for chores – the crew was diminished and we missed them but we got them done. Everybody is looking good. We'll look at their food intake and check them over thoroughly to make sure everyone is fine at the ½ point.
Had our dinner inside watching the rest of the movie and hit the hay for a great nights sleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008 – A quiet night and cool morning.
• Kate, Ritha, Sorrel & Lily – Lily broke away and slipped her harness – 5 months to catch – got her set up and started again –now Tess was loose and got Lily to slip again. Got Tess caught but Lily wouldn't come so I just ran her with the ATV for about 10 minutes till she came to water and hooked her up. Fine after that but she's still new to roading.
Now I need to do some work and a few chores although Linda managed to take care of most things. Got my saddles and stuff set back up and then loaded garbage to the dump and we had a bunch plus I had a 1:00 truck appointment to check out the transmission. Made my stops and got the truck. They said it appears to be okay – we'll test her out and see if it really is okay!
Now back to camp and afternoon work. The dogs will be getting a bit of a break until we get a bit more help – reinforcements due in a few days.
We hear that Phil and then crew got in about midnight. Bob broke down west of Sioux City. Lucas and his bunch stayed with Bob while he arranged a tow. Sounds like front drive train problems. Bob got a room in Sioux City and Lucas went on and caught the rest of troops. Shows the importance of traveling with somebody when possible. Bob found out on Monday morning that it was front end problem and would be ready on Tuesday.
Chore time!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 19th
The Blog will be rather thin this week. Just Linda and I at camp with about 30 dogs, 6 horses and birds to take care of, we have a pretty full schedule.
Tuesday ended up being an 'off day' no dog work at all today. More office stuff and trip to town for supplies, mail etc.
Wednesday, August 20th
Weather has gotten cooler at night and mild during the day, barely reaching 80 at camp. Roger is moving around some – saw him in a truck in town. Looked a bit guilty – thought maybe I knew his doctor. I managed to make it a pretty good morning to road.
Going to be windy today and for a few days.
• Erin, Mariah, Lea & Midge – 41 min. – great morning – damp and cool – dogs pulled hard from beginning to end. Saw a big whitetail – 12 point – balanced & wide going south in the home meadow heading to the big meadow.
• Ernie, Suzie, Hank & Ritha –solid roading group until Suzie ( right front) dive to the left after a tweetie bird and got herself run over by the ATV – had to back off her and no signs of damage. – 40+
• Katie, Ritha, Sorrel & Shauna – solid crew with good effort – Sorrel not the best at getting into the water and cool himself off. Seems like his stamina is doing and the treatment for lyme's appears to be working. He's down to his last few days of treatment.
The reinforcements are coming – Mary due in on Thursday AM and Lee and Stan both are driving out and should in by lunch. Dennis was leaving Thursday after work and should be in to run on Friday. Yea Team!!!!!!!!!! Getting more birds on Friday morning. We've gotten rid of the raccoon but our quail have never gotten over the stress of shipping and the loop hasn't been hayed so no opportunity to birdwork there. Next week will be lots of birdwork.
Thursday, August 21st - good night sleeping –Mary called and she'd be in about ten or so. Picking up things if we needed anything. Still trying to get caught up with work.
• Inde, Tess, Lily & Annie – Annie and Inde did fine – Tess not as excited and Lily just didn't want to road – had to tie her in the front. (Tess has become the consummate stake puller. She get's her stake out of the ground many if not most nights. She comes right to you dragging the stake and this usually happens at about 4:00 am - I'm sure you realize that the dogs all have to get up and let us know that Tess is loose. We're looking at a cement truck to fix the problem!!!!
Mary showed up and we're doing some catch up chores. Ernie appears to be tender in the front left foot. Can't find a specific spot but no swelling or heat. He's on the IR list.
Friday, August 22, 2008 – Dennis showed up last night and ready to work today. Stan showed up 1st and Lee a bit later on Friday. I picked up birds in town and then got some shopping done. The group was busy getting set up in camp. I stopped and visited Roger and he seems to be making big gains. I was going to the vet but Charlie suggested we wait till Monday and see how he is before we do the x-ray thing.
We took out a road crew and worked on the bird pen – fixed all the wire holes that the coon had done when he was attacking the Huns. Only 12-15 huns left – pulled them out and transferred to the pond Hun house. Hopefully we can drag some birds back to that area.
We loaded the chukar in the bird house for planted bird work and filled the 2 quail houses on the Seidel loop with quail. Hope we get some action at these spots for the last 2 weeks of camp.
Friday afternoon, Dennis took Mary on a couple of braces working Sol & Buck. He was pretty happy with Buck but Sol wasn't handling birds. They saw a 30 bird covey of Huns and 3 bunches of chickens but no positive bird work. Mary road some horses and was enjoying the selection process.
We now decided to make a good dinner and get ready for friends to drop by. Devin, Shannon, Jason, Heather and Sonja(back from her summer in California and week in Australia) all stopped by and later Joe & Lorie with Whitley and a friend came by and visited. Whitley is going to try and do some roading for us tomorrow if his friend is around. We had a fun night listening to music and telling stories out in the gazebo. This makes the nights so pleasant when you can sit out and not have the bugs carry you away.
A cool night is forecast – down in the 50's.
Saturday, August 23 - dogs when crazy about 4:00 am – somebody loose but not sure how – just one dog then for quite awhile. Great weather for sleeping but too damn noisy.
No change in Ernie yet – still holding paw up and doesn't want to put weight on it.
Roading: Whitley made it down and Linda set him up to road.
• Lea, Suzie – 40 min. – very solid pair
• Tess & Shauna – Tess 20 min. – just didn't want to do it – Shauna 40 min.
Hills: Today we have Stan, Lee, Dennis & Mary is back ( hoping to find a horse from Dennis this weekend. We road to Triple Gates and got the show on the road.
• Erin & Kate – Kate did a decent job – wide and good speed and drive – in the area of some birds and had a STB -- Then a STF and a good find on a single. Course was okay and bird work – impoving. Erin, the bigger on the ground with another solid race. He had two opportunities to point and got a knock and chase with correction. Plenty of birds but no cigar for Erin. 43 min.
• Brenna & Gus – Gus has drive ( pointer) range and independence – the other tools are open to question until Denny gets him handling but tons of potential. Brenna was oink of the day. Just got into cactus and never put it together.
• Hank & Sorrel – Hank wasn't with the program today – he was rather short and not hitting a lick. Sorrel showed the range and drive with a NP at the beginning and one opportunity around birds but nothing handled. 41 min.
• Bart & Clifford - worked the meadow and did a nice job, both hunting and going front. No birds observed. 25 min.
The afternoon just begged for a nap. Linda & Mary made it to town with Linda going in Mary's car. That made the trip bearable for Linda but she's at least got to town. She's doing her exercises and doing better but it's a slow process.
Roger , Janet & the whole family are coming to dinner for Lee's famous ribs, corn and beans. Should be a fun night. We got things ready and visited with our good friends the Painter's. Lots of stories and many discussions about " Bob's future as a rodeo clown" or "Matador" is going to turn out. We have definitely determined that there is some real truth to the axiom: ' you can't teach and old dog new tricks' -- did you get that Bob?
It was also decided that both Linda's and Roger's injuries were the result of going above and beyond the call of duty!!! Bob's injury was the result of ……………………. need to change my ink!
Bob will be back Labor Day and we'll need to discuss this somemore. Stan, Dennis, Mary and Lee all agreed that Bob's bull fighting days were OVER!!!!!!!!!
Time to call it a night!! Betty Shearhouse and her friend Russ are due in camp tomorrow and we're taking them to the hills.
Saturday, August 16, 2008 – nice cool sleeping night and a clear day on the horizon. We're hooking up and getting ready to do some training. The crew has the chore of packing up today as Phil is leaving early Sunday morning with all the kids and Bob is going home also but he'll be back.
• Suzie, Hank, Kate & Sorrel – very solid 34 min. and this crew is ready for a jump.
• Erin & Midge – Last morning for the kids so we have most of them out here riding and helping. Erin out the box into a nice flowing forward race – while Midge bouncing around. Too much back and had to get on her. Both go over a hill and 10 and bust birds and off to the races……… Took awhile but I had her attached and we got her back & Luke got Erin and we corrected. Sent on they hit the front and Midge a bit better – Erin winded and head up a hill, pointing nicely with Midge crowding and busting and both going w/chickens. Once again we corrected and sent on. Erin the better race all the way and both need some polish on birds. 45 min. -5 or 6 chickens.
• Lea & Brenna – Brenna still a flake with back casts and puttering – Lea worked nicely and consistently forward with wide casts and thoughtful application. She crossed in front and established nicely with me calling Brenna in and getting a command back as birds flushed. I fired and more birds flushed in front of Brenna and all toll there were 17 sharptail flushed – awesome piece for Lea with class and perfect manners. 40 min. Lea the clearcut DOD and Brenna on the list & that's not the good list.
• Shauna & Lily – Bob going to attempt to handle this brace. We ran them on the meadows after releasing several Huns and moving them around. Lily got lost for a good bit in the Seidel loop and Shauna just rock and rolled – lots of speed and forward application but no good birdwork. In the area of some released bird but couldn't connect. Lily came in too and they hunted the shelter belt only to have all kinds of birds in the air and no dogs standing still. Young dogs – 28 min.
Birdwork – took 4 down to the pond and worked birds for basic manners. All work on very good flying Huns.
• Erin – Luke cut him loose and he tried to sent the birds I had but then went down the line and pointed solidly though not with a real high tail. Good manners for the flush and shot.
• Midge- fast and snappy, pointed a long way off and while intent, not much style but good manners for the flush and shot.
• Brenna – worked well and got very close and then pointed solidly but with a level tail – touch of styling and she looked great.
• Sorrel – bang out to the box and down the line and a very stylish point with perfect manners. Real good for this guy. Seems to be focusing again.
A very nice morning with all dogs getting the desired work. Back to camp to continue the big pack up job for the kids. The afternoon was spent with Phil's crew getting ready and heading to the Niobrara River for the afternoon. The rest of us will meet them in Valentine for dinner at the Cedar Canyon and the rodeo at 7:30. Linda is not going to make the trip – just too much of that bumpy road ( worse after all the rain this week) and she'll hold down the fort. Bob is still sore but he managed to at least handle one and getting up was a pretty good sign that nothing was broken.
Off to the Rodeo. We meant John Rabidou at Young's Western store. He's feeling good and and enjoying his new place in Nebraska. Suzie Shaitel was with him and enjoying the sandhills.
A good dinner at the renamed restaurant and a big rodeo. It wasn'a over to 11 pm and we didn't make it home till after midnight. Lots of good rides and plenty of action in the wild horse ride. The kids really enjoyed that part.
Sunday, August 17 – Phil's crew up at 5 am and they were looking good by 6:30 to 7 – on the road about 7:30 with 3 vehicles, Jetta, Jeep and the Rig!!! Phil not really happy with him rig – lots of little things making him think twice about his 1 ton Ford. We'll see what happens.
Joe, Rhe'Ann and Whitley came over this morning to help out and see the dogs work. We got them catching our mounts and getting them used to saddling a whole different type of saddle and bit. They caught on quick.
We decided to run the Meadows and started with a couple of A-Team dogs or at least they were until today.
• Ernie & Lea – off they went with Ernie trying to run south when I wanted to go west – finally got him turned with Lea hanging to the front – doing a nice job. Ernie with power but no power steering. We lost him in the back loop going west on a line I needed him to go east on and then lost Lea in the cover – must've been buried in on the loop. Saw a couple of nice mule deer in the loop but no dogs with them. Got Lea going front but no Ernie. We hunted for the dogs to the Hun House and still no dogs - finally had Lea coming out and my scouts were in the middle of the big part of the meadow when he saw Ernie grab the east end going north then across camp and back to the center island and then zero in on a spot where 6 huns landed, geezelled them and then rolled out of site with no intent of handling. Lea had gotten charged up and this beautiful 58 degree morning was heating up as my blood started to boil. We collected Lea – then got Ernie to come with and put this group away. 40 minutes – very cool
Well, Joe and the kids got a good idea of how much ground 'out of control' dogs and fast stepping horses could cover'. It was fun though.
• Clifford & Tess – we new where a bunch of Huns had flushed so we took off with these two. Tess still lingers at the rear and putters with ground sent just too much. I had hoped wild birds would help but she needs to get out front to get the. Clifford is steady – not extremely fast but very consistent and always to the front. Responds well when I call. He almost snagged another tweety bird but missed and kept on hunting. He was steady all the way around and was my DOD. 30 minutes with warming temps.
Roading: got Whitley hooked up to run the rig and he roaded one brace for me – in between braces as we took a break. He's an experienced ATV operator and good with animals so no problem.
• Erin & Mariah –these 2 were all business – solid and fast 30 min.
That was it for the day – Linda busy in the house getting things cleaned and organized and I did the same outside. A big nap was in order and a bit of just relaxing and watched a couple of old Cary Grant flicks. Then time for chores – the crew was diminished and we missed them but we got them done. Everybody is looking good. We'll look at their food intake and check them over thoroughly to make sure everyone is fine at the ½ point.
Had our dinner inside watching the rest of the movie and hit the hay for a great nights sleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008 – A quiet night and cool morning.
• Kate, Ritha, Sorrel & Lily – Lily broke away and slipped her harness – 5 months to catch – got her set up and started again –now Tess was loose and got Lily to slip again. Got Tess caught but Lily wouldn't come so I just ran her with the ATV for about 10 minutes till she came to water and hooked her up. Fine after that but she's still new to roading.
Now I need to do some work and a few chores although Linda managed to take care of most things. Got my saddles and stuff set back up and then loaded garbage to the dump and we had a bunch plus I had a 1:00 truck appointment to check out the transmission. Made my stops and got the truck. They said it appears to be okay – we'll test her out and see if it really is okay!
Now back to camp and afternoon work. The dogs will be getting a bit of a break until we get a bit more help – reinforcements due in a few days.
We hear that Phil and then crew got in about midnight. Bob broke down west of Sioux City. Lucas and his bunch stayed with Bob while he arranged a tow. Sounds like front drive train problems. Bob got a room in Sioux City and Lucas went on and caught the rest of troops. Shows the importance of traveling with somebody when possible. Bob found out on Monday morning that it was front end problem and would be ready on Tuesday.
Chore time!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 19th
The Blog will be rather thin this week. Just Linda and I at camp with about 30 dogs, 6 horses and birds to take care of, we have a pretty full schedule.
Tuesday ended up being an 'off day' no dog work at all today. More office stuff and trip to town for supplies, mail etc.
Wednesday, August 20th
Weather has gotten cooler at night and mild during the day, barely reaching 80 at camp. Roger is moving around some – saw him in a truck in town. Looked a bit guilty – thought maybe I knew his doctor. I managed to make it a pretty good morning to road.
Going to be windy today and for a few days.
• Erin, Mariah, Lea & Midge – 41 min. – great morning – damp and cool – dogs pulled hard from beginning to end. Saw a big whitetail – 12 point – balanced & wide going south in the home meadow heading to the big meadow.
• Ernie, Suzie, Hank & Ritha –solid roading group until Suzie ( right front) dive to the left after a tweetie bird and got herself run over by the ATV – had to back off her and no signs of damage. – 40+
• Katie, Ritha, Sorrel & Shauna – solid crew with good effort – Sorrel not the best at getting into the water and cool himself off. Seems like his stamina is doing and the treatment for lyme's appears to be working. He's down to his last few days of treatment.
The reinforcements are coming – Mary due in on Thursday AM and Lee and Stan both are driving out and should in by lunch. Dennis was leaving Thursday after work and should be in to run on Friday. Yea Team!!!!!!!!!! Getting more birds on Friday morning. We've gotten rid of the raccoon but our quail have never gotten over the stress of shipping and the loop hasn't been hayed so no opportunity to birdwork there. Next week will be lots of birdwork.
Thursday, August 21st - good night sleeping –Mary called and she'd be in about ten or so. Picking up things if we needed anything. Still trying to get caught up with work.
• Inde, Tess, Lily & Annie – Annie and Inde did fine – Tess not as excited and Lily just didn't want to road – had to tie her in the front. (Tess has become the consummate stake puller. She get's her stake out of the ground many if not most nights. She comes right to you dragging the stake and this usually happens at about 4:00 am - I'm sure you realize that the dogs all have to get up and let us know that Tess is loose. We're looking at a cement truck to fix the problem!!!!
Mary showed up and we're doing some catch up chores. Ernie appears to be tender in the front left foot. Can't find a specific spot but no swelling or heat. He's on the IR list.
Friday, August 22, 2008 – Dennis showed up last night and ready to work today. Stan showed up 1st and Lee a bit later on Friday. I picked up birds in town and then got some shopping done. The group was busy getting set up in camp. I stopped and visited Roger and he seems to be making big gains. I was going to the vet but Charlie suggested we wait till Monday and see how he is before we do the x-ray thing.
We took out a road crew and worked on the bird pen – fixed all the wire holes that the coon had done when he was attacking the Huns. Only 12-15 huns left – pulled them out and transferred to the pond Hun house. Hopefully we can drag some birds back to that area.
We loaded the chukar in the bird house for planted bird work and filled the 2 quail houses on the Seidel loop with quail. Hope we get some action at these spots for the last 2 weeks of camp.
Friday afternoon, Dennis took Mary on a couple of braces working Sol & Buck. He was pretty happy with Buck but Sol wasn't handling birds. They saw a 30 bird covey of Huns and 3 bunches of chickens but no positive bird work. Mary road some horses and was enjoying the selection process.
We now decided to make a good dinner and get ready for friends to drop by. Devin, Shannon, Jason, Heather and Sonja(back from her summer in California and week in Australia) all stopped by and later Joe & Lorie with Whitley and a friend came by and visited. Whitley is going to try and do some roading for us tomorrow if his friend is around. We had a fun night listening to music and telling stories out in the gazebo. This makes the nights so pleasant when you can sit out and not have the bugs carry you away.
A cool night is forecast – down in the 50's.
Saturday, August 23 - dogs when crazy about 4:00 am – somebody loose but not sure how – just one dog then for quite awhile. Great weather for sleeping but too damn noisy.
No change in Ernie yet – still holding paw up and doesn't want to put weight on it.
Roading: Whitley made it down and Linda set him up to road.
• Lea, Suzie – 40 min. – very solid pair
• Tess & Shauna – Tess 20 min. – just didn't want to do it – Shauna 40 min.
Hills: Today we have Stan, Lee, Dennis & Mary is back ( hoping to find a horse from Dennis this weekend. We road to Triple Gates and got the show on the road.
• Erin & Kate – Kate did a decent job – wide and good speed and drive – in the area of some birds and had a STB -- Then a STF and a good find on a single. Course was okay and bird work – impoving. Erin, the bigger on the ground with another solid race. He had two opportunities to point and got a knock and chase with correction. Plenty of birds but no cigar for Erin. 43 min.
• Brenna & Gus – Gus has drive ( pointer) range and independence – the other tools are open to question until Denny gets him handling but tons of potential. Brenna was oink of the day. Just got into cactus and never put it together.
• Hank & Sorrel – Hank wasn't with the program today – he was rather short and not hitting a lick. Sorrel showed the range and drive with a NP at the beginning and one opportunity around birds but nothing handled. 41 min.
• Bart & Clifford - worked the meadow and did a nice job, both hunting and going front. No birds observed. 25 min.
The afternoon just begged for a nap. Linda & Mary made it to town with Linda going in Mary's car. That made the trip bearable for Linda but she's at least got to town. She's doing her exercises and doing better but it's a slow process.
Roger , Janet & the whole family are coming to dinner for Lee's famous ribs, corn and beans. Should be a fun night. We got things ready and visited with our good friends the Painter's. Lots of stories and many discussions about " Bob's future as a rodeo clown" or "Matador" is going to turn out. We have definitely determined that there is some real truth to the axiom: ' you can't teach and old dog new tricks' -- did you get that Bob?
It was also decided that both Linda's and Roger's injuries were the result of going above and beyond the call of duty!!! Bob's injury was the result of ……………………. need to change my ink!
Bob will be back Labor Day and we'll need to discuss this somemore. Stan, Dennis, Mary and Lee all agreed that Bob's bull fighting days were OVER!!!!!!!!!
Time to call it a night!! Betty Shearhouse and her friend Russ are due in camp tomorrow and we're taking them to the hills.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hunting Irish Setter - Prairie Training - August 13 - August 15.
Wednesday, August 13 – continued The rains keeps on going and before you know it we have a full fledged rainday. We wanted to get things done but no such luck. We went out and checked birds for food and water and our trap to make sure we didn't have anymore varmint attacks but all was quiet.
Roger still in the hospital and now looks to be coming home on Thursday. Jason running things right now and Bob has been traveling around helping him collect Bulls. He's having fun and things are going pretty good.
We've got our friends , the McBrides coming by for dinner tonight and I plan on making a fresh batch of spaghetti sauce – it takes most of the day so I start very early. I really like to have about 6 hours of cooking to really get it right & we brought Italian Sausage from Illinois along with special sauces and cheese. We can't wait!!!!!!!
Spent sometime working and in town getting things for dinner – then back to camp. Haven't seen Bob since early so he's out chasing the bulls.
About 6:00 PM in rolls Bob with Jason & Heather and he's looking pretty rough. He lifts up his shirt and one side looks like about a 2 foot skid mark on pavement – the kind of sidewalk burns you learn to appreciate growing up in the city only 10 times worse. It appears that he was helping Jason trying to get a bull to head north ( there about 8 miles south of camp at this point) and not only did the bull not want to head north – he didn't want to move – Jason and Bob harassed the poor bull but they antagonized him till he couldn't take anymore and decided to have a piece of the guy waving at him. Opppps !!!
Bob was now the target and off he came –Bob made the mistake of looking back ( he couldn't believe he could still run this fast to out run that bull) and he was right – bull caught up and sent him on a less then graceful trip about 10 feet down the way and only Jason's counterattack with a pipe kept Bob from being further adjusted. He bounced up (his reaction not mine) & swiftly moved out of the path of this madman bull – dodging with grace and speed! I might be slightly paraphrasing him but you get the jest!!!
Bob, better known as Cowboy Bob had met his match and now even he was 2nd guessing his choice to coax this 2000lb hunk while on foot and with only his swift, lean body as a means of protecting himself. Some things never change – some just need to happen but it all makes for great stories !!!!!!!!!!
Bob made it in time for dinner along with Heather and the McBrides all got here just before the storms. Getting to be a nightly deal here as of late. We decided to skip the gazebo and eat in the house – couldn't jam the music but there some very interesting questions regarding Bob's current state of soreness and how it all happened. I'm sure we'll see his(Bob's) point of view so let's here it directly form the horses mouth !!!!!!!! if you know what I mean.
Joe was suggesting to Bob that he buy one of those rodeo boy's vests with Kevlar that deflect the pain of the bullfighter & Bob wanted to know " deflects the pain where ?" That put the crowd into a roar & we laughed until Bob was ready to cry – seems he has discovered some new sore spots. The rains still hammered away and we have a great dinner with our friends and some real good laughs at Bob's expense. Fun night. They're going to join us on the hills this weekend and see what the dogs are all about! Rene' made us awesome apple pies and Rhe'ann ( Joe & Lori's daughter) made a great oriole cookie treat for dessert! The kids all played games while we told stories and let the rain rip!
Thursday, August 14, 2008 - damp, cool and a good morning for dogs. We're up and moving with Lucas taking over the roading chores for a few days. I had several discussions on what to do with my transmission after we heated it up on the hills – now to figure out the right plan.
• Erin, Suzie, Sorrel & Shauna – 34 min. – seasoned crew w/ a couple of good young ones – nice solid workout.
• Lea & Brie – Bob saddled up and got on his horse – he lasted about 5 steps and got off and walked back no riding for him for awhile—we went north over the adjacent ranch and worked down to gates that lead into our regular meadow land. Both dogs slow to start and showing the signs of summer conditioning – still Lea the stronger but each applying them as nice GD's - no complaints a beautiful stand for Brie at 22 – Lea a gorgeous back and me unable to produce birds – she's a good 35 yards below the crest of a hill – I worked and finally let her relocate – up and over the hill – pointing as a 7 bird covey of chickens took flight – good – no 'very good' piece of work for Brie – both continued on – Brie kicked it up a notch after the very mannerly find – Lea still more consistent but both were fun and Lea rolled on w/Phil. I took Brie to the limits and she got too close to our birdpen area and knocked birds near the cage – no way the dog can look good on this one. We finished with her going with us after that and a hunting dog finish. 47 min for Brie – 45 for Lea.
• Midge & Brenna - 20+ min on the ground and both were oinks – couldn't get their heads into – took them back to camp and hooked them in the roading harness for 20 more minutes and at least get some conditioning – just not there day.
• Clifford & Bart – w/Kelly & Corrine in charge had some good hunt but Clifford caught a baby tweety bird – not a pretty sight – oh well at least he's birdy and both dogs showed more pattern and hunt. 21 min.
• Neely w/ Whitney and Katherine at the helm and I drove the dog wagon – dropped her off at the Seidell loop – still didn't want to go front or show much interest in anything other then what was behind her – the girls tried but no luck today – we'll keep plugging away.
The girls had plans for the river this afternoon & Linda and I ventured into town for Linda's hair appointment. I did some major phone calls and talked to the Ford dealer about my transmission. Plan is to monitor it's fluid levels and see how it does the next couple of weeks. Change the fluid and filter and check out the condition of the old stuff. He thinks it would be fine based on my experience the last few days.
Got chicken for the grill tonight – got to test our new acquisition. The teenagers did Pizza Hut and bowling. Phil went with Heather, Jason and shot Jason's new .223 rifle.
Quite a nice gun – Phil and the kids got some good target shooting in – both pistol and rifle. Great place to learn proper handling of firearms.
A very cool and pleasant night. nice to just sit out for dinner and only a slight drizzle later on. Winding down for the kids – they all will be leaving on Sunday morning so just a couple of more days left. The rain picked up and we had steady rain on and off all night.
Friday, August 15, 2008 - rain on and off most of the night – even a bit inside our trailer but we survived. Supposed to be clear shortly but our radar indicated that might be a wrong forecast. We got breakfast and the rain started and has been going on with thunder, lightning and lots of rain, lakes and rivers all over camp – looks like a rainout this morning – have to hope for the best this afternoon.
• Mariah, Inde, Ritha & Tess - 35 solid minutes
………………… and the rain goes on – not downpours but very regular rain and rain and
rain—just a small break and then more rain. I don't see getting much done and everyone in a lazy mood.
Went to town and found some good sweet corn – finally coming in – pork tenderloins on the grill w/ Bob G's special potatoes! Hmmmmmmmmmm! good!! Saw Joe and looked at his adjoining building for upstairs space – almost room for a dance!
Stopped and visited Roger on my way back to town. Bob was there along with Katherine and Whitney. Roger was having visitors all day long and had himself all set up in his reliner next to his hospital bed. He's got a few months of recovery and plenty of black and blue marks to remind him of that HORSE RIDE!!! I guess he won't be entering the wild horse contest in Valentine this weekend. Bob & Roger can share aches and pains – maybe even there own brand of pain medicines -Bob's is definitely different that Rogers.
Phil took on all challengers in chess – Owen won one and Devin stalemated – a good rainy day game. Got the dinner cooked in between raindrops but then it cleared up and we got the music going and ate outside. A cool night with light clouds and no rain. We enjoyed and while the week was rainy we still got conditioning done. Dogs are in tune with camp and the majority are quiet at night. Phil was meeting Devin in town for some pool and snooker and the young adults, Kelly & Corinne were the chaperone's or driver and body guard depending how you look at it. We hit the hay and had a great sleeping night.
Roger still in the hospital and now looks to be coming home on Thursday. Jason running things right now and Bob has been traveling around helping him collect Bulls. He's having fun and things are going pretty good.
We've got our friends , the McBrides coming by for dinner tonight and I plan on making a fresh batch of spaghetti sauce – it takes most of the day so I start very early. I really like to have about 6 hours of cooking to really get it right & we brought Italian Sausage from Illinois along with special sauces and cheese. We can't wait!!!!!!!
Spent sometime working and in town getting things for dinner – then back to camp. Haven't seen Bob since early so he's out chasing the bulls.
About 6:00 PM in rolls Bob with Jason & Heather and he's looking pretty rough. He lifts up his shirt and one side looks like about a 2 foot skid mark on pavement – the kind of sidewalk burns you learn to appreciate growing up in the city only 10 times worse. It appears that he was helping Jason trying to get a bull to head north ( there about 8 miles south of camp at this point) and not only did the bull not want to head north – he didn't want to move – Jason and Bob harassed the poor bull but they antagonized him till he couldn't take anymore and decided to have a piece of the guy waving at him. Opppps !!!
Bob was now the target and off he came –Bob made the mistake of looking back ( he couldn't believe he could still run this fast to out run that bull) and he was right – bull caught up and sent him on a less then graceful trip about 10 feet down the way and only Jason's counterattack with a pipe kept Bob from being further adjusted. He bounced up (his reaction not mine) & swiftly moved out of the path of this madman bull – dodging with grace and speed! I might be slightly paraphrasing him but you get the jest!!!
Bob, better known as Cowboy Bob had met his match and now even he was 2nd guessing his choice to coax this 2000lb hunk while on foot and with only his swift, lean body as a means of protecting himself. Some things never change – some just need to happen but it all makes for great stories !!!!!!!!!!
Bob made it in time for dinner along with Heather and the McBrides all got here just before the storms. Getting to be a nightly deal here as of late. We decided to skip the gazebo and eat in the house – couldn't jam the music but there some very interesting questions regarding Bob's current state of soreness and how it all happened. I'm sure we'll see his(Bob's) point of view so let's here it directly form the horses mouth !!!!!!!! if you know what I mean.
Joe was suggesting to Bob that he buy one of those rodeo boy's vests with Kevlar that deflect the pain of the bullfighter & Bob wanted to know " deflects the pain where ?" That put the crowd into a roar & we laughed until Bob was ready to cry – seems he has discovered some new sore spots. The rains still hammered away and we have a great dinner with our friends and some real good laughs at Bob's expense. Fun night. They're going to join us on the hills this weekend and see what the dogs are all about! Rene' made us awesome apple pies and Rhe'ann ( Joe & Lori's daughter) made a great oriole cookie treat for dessert! The kids all played games while we told stories and let the rain rip!
Thursday, August 14, 2008 - damp, cool and a good morning for dogs. We're up and moving with Lucas taking over the roading chores for a few days. I had several discussions on what to do with my transmission after we heated it up on the hills – now to figure out the right plan.
• Erin, Suzie, Sorrel & Shauna – 34 min. – seasoned crew w/ a couple of good young ones – nice solid workout.
• Lea & Brie – Bob saddled up and got on his horse – he lasted about 5 steps and got off and walked back no riding for him for awhile—we went north over the adjacent ranch and worked down to gates that lead into our regular meadow land. Both dogs slow to start and showing the signs of summer conditioning – still Lea the stronger but each applying them as nice GD's - no complaints a beautiful stand for Brie at 22 – Lea a gorgeous back and me unable to produce birds – she's a good 35 yards below the crest of a hill – I worked and finally let her relocate – up and over the hill – pointing as a 7 bird covey of chickens took flight – good – no 'very good' piece of work for Brie – both continued on – Brie kicked it up a notch after the very mannerly find – Lea still more consistent but both were fun and Lea rolled on w/Phil. I took Brie to the limits and she got too close to our birdpen area and knocked birds near the cage – no way the dog can look good on this one. We finished with her going with us after that and a hunting dog finish. 47 min for Brie – 45 for Lea.
• Midge & Brenna - 20+ min on the ground and both were oinks – couldn't get their heads into – took them back to camp and hooked them in the roading harness for 20 more minutes and at least get some conditioning – just not there day.
• Clifford & Bart – w/Kelly & Corrine in charge had some good hunt but Clifford caught a baby tweety bird – not a pretty sight – oh well at least he's birdy and both dogs showed more pattern and hunt. 21 min.
• Neely w/ Whitney and Katherine at the helm and I drove the dog wagon – dropped her off at the Seidell loop – still didn't want to go front or show much interest in anything other then what was behind her – the girls tried but no luck today – we'll keep plugging away.
The girls had plans for the river this afternoon & Linda and I ventured into town for Linda's hair appointment. I did some major phone calls and talked to the Ford dealer about my transmission. Plan is to monitor it's fluid levels and see how it does the next couple of weeks. Change the fluid and filter and check out the condition of the old stuff. He thinks it would be fine based on my experience the last few days.
Got chicken for the grill tonight – got to test our new acquisition. The teenagers did Pizza Hut and bowling. Phil went with Heather, Jason and shot Jason's new .223 rifle.
Quite a nice gun – Phil and the kids got some good target shooting in – both pistol and rifle. Great place to learn proper handling of firearms.
A very cool and pleasant night. nice to just sit out for dinner and only a slight drizzle later on. Winding down for the kids – they all will be leaving on Sunday morning so just a couple of more days left. The rain picked up and we had steady rain on and off all night.
Friday, August 15, 2008 - rain on and off most of the night – even a bit inside our trailer but we survived. Supposed to be clear shortly but our radar indicated that might be a wrong forecast. We got breakfast and the rain started and has been going on with thunder, lightning and lots of rain, lakes and rivers all over camp – looks like a rainout this morning – have to hope for the best this afternoon.
• Mariah, Inde, Ritha & Tess - 35 solid minutes
………………… and the rain goes on – not downpours but very regular rain and rain and
rain—just a small break and then more rain. I don't see getting much done and everyone in a lazy mood.
Went to town and found some good sweet corn – finally coming in – pork tenderloins on the grill w/ Bob G's special potatoes! Hmmmmmmmmmm! good!! Saw Joe and looked at his adjoining building for upstairs space – almost room for a dance!
Stopped and visited Roger on my way back to town. Bob was there along with Katherine and Whitney. Roger was having visitors all day long and had himself all set up in his reliner next to his hospital bed. He's got a few months of recovery and plenty of black and blue marks to remind him of that HORSE RIDE!!! I guess he won't be entering the wild horse contest in Valentine this weekend. Bob & Roger can share aches and pains – maybe even there own brand of pain medicines -Bob's is definitely different that Rogers.
Phil took on all challengers in chess – Owen won one and Devin stalemated – a good rainy day game. Got the dinner cooked in between raindrops but then it cleared up and we got the music going and ate outside. A cool night with light clouds and no rain. We enjoyed and while the week was rainy we still got conditioning done. Dogs are in tune with camp and the majority are quiet at night. Phil was meeting Devin in town for some pool and snooker and the young adults, Kelly & Corinne were the chaperone's or driver and body guard depending how you look at it. We hit the hay and had a great sleeping night.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Evidence of getting stuck 8-aug

I have attached a pic and a short video(no sound).
Ainsworth Prairie Training -Aug.9 -Aug.13
August 9, Continued.......
It proved to be a great afternoon for a nap & I took advantage of the opportunity. Bob & Brett still out helping the Painter's move bulls and then Bob went down south with Jason & Heather. Two bulls got into it and headed south taking down 3 fences as they went. It took to almost 6:00 pm before they got back and had everything fixed.
Jason and Devin heading down to visit Roger tomorrow – surgery scheduled for Monday and he's going to be laid up for several weeks to months.
We started to make dinner – some of those savory beef from Imboden's – grill went out so I changed bottles and it did it again – took it apart and it was corroded through – no way we're getting another meal out this old Weber we bought back around the early 1990's. You know you been at summer camp along time when you realize that you've had at least 3 refrigeratiors, 3 washing machines ( 1 this year) new stoves, couple of freezers, multiple air conditioners, dishwasher, new septic system, and more sump pumps than you can count, and now a 2nd propane grill ( one of those that last forever). 20 years on the prairies – working mainly hunting Irish Setters. We've sure had fun watching the kids and the dogs growing up and evolving over time. We now have some of the real young grandchildren that are riding and working dogs, like Katherine, Daniel, Owen and cousin Whitney – all not yet teenangers but getting close. What a thrill to watch them handle a dog and take those young puppies for those long evening walks that start the pups out right.
We went and saw Owen perform at the Country Music Festival. He did a great job with Joe backing him up. There was only 3 entrants in his class but he still did a fine job. Back to camp and a nice evening. Dogs have settled quite a bit and most of the night is peaceful.
Sunday, August 10 – a nice morning. We had planned to birdwork and road today. Everyone was looking for an easy day. I have to follow up with the transmission on my truck and make sure all all is okay.
Roading: cool and light almost mist when I started.
• Erin, Mariah, Brenna & Kate – very solid and fast paced – no one hardly wanted water. 35 min.
• Brie, Hank - Linda thought Brie might be limping a bit and she was holding a rear leg up when I checked her but Bob walked her around and she seemed okay. She roaded just fine. – 32 min.
• Inde, Ritha, Blitz & Midge - once again solid and fast – warming some but still very nice and no one hardly wanted water. 36 min.
Bob and Brett came back from feeding the birds and found that a varmit had found our bird house and tore open one side with many Huns getting loose and he took our 5 of our Huns. We had to do something so I went to town ( planning on seeing Owen's 1:00 pm performance) and got some wire, a trap and a new grill, then some shopping as Owen was delayed until 3:00 PM – back to camp and Linda went back with Phil and the crew. Owen did a fine job and took 2nd in the competition. GOOD JOB, OWEN!!!!!!!!!! We're very proud of you. Coming into camp about 5:30 was Lucas with his girlfriend Chelsea and Jenny's friend Rene. Had a good dinner and told some stories about camp and dogs.
Talked to Jason and his Dad is doing good but getting surgery on Monday. Good luck Roger.
Monday, August 11 – plans for early rise and get to the hills quickly – we did pretty good and were leaving by 7:30 – nice cool breezy morning that promised to be great for the dogs. Brett on the roading machine early after going out and checking the trap. Some varmit got into our trap and managed to get our bait and drag the trap off 20 or 30' and get away. That's not a good sign.
• Suzie, Lea & Sorrel – 28 min.
• Annie, Kate,& Tess – 35 min.
• Ernie & Shauna – had high hopes for this brace but just didn't get it done. Shauna a pretty good race and 1 point only to chase as chicken left. Ernie just did have his head into it today –loopy and not purposeful like his last time down but he had a mannerly STF at 18 and a point @ 21 – I thought turtle and pushed him on – he took 2 steps and out came the chicken - ok my fault – went on he had another STF and was mannerly and finished make a decent move hunting. 45 min and 10 or so chickens.
• Mariah & Lily – kind of a medium ranging GD for both dogs – w/ Mariah having birds getting up 40 yards ahead of her which she never say or smelled – then what should have been a STF and turned out to be a bump and chase then a so so STF – overall a boring brace. 30 min & 6 or 7 chickens.
• Neely, Clifford & Bart – Neely went directly back to camp and shows virtually no desire to go anywhere but camp. Clifford and Bart are both showing signs of improvement with Clifford showing better focus.
Monday afternoon was a trip to the vet with Lightning – some kind of skin issue on her back but nothing too serious. Phil did a big dump run and disposed of the old grill. We had a good dinner planned and watched as a serious storm rolled in. Cranked up the new grill and couldn't get it to work or stay lit – not good – Storm is brewing and getting closer- all radars are showing Tornado watch & we 're set with everyone in the house. Devin called us with updates and so did Jason – Tornado warning to the south and we got a rock and roll hit as the wind blew, rain poured and no tornado sightings in camp.
Not a night to eat outside. Bob had set a trap down by the Hun House – hoping to catch the varmit eating our birds.
Hit the hay with the skys still cloudy and our hopes for Perciad were minimul. Linda set the alarm and we found clear skys - awesome – went around waking folks up to see the meteor shower. Linda, Sue, Chelsey, Phil, Daniel and myself all got up to see the star shower – a bit hay but at least 20 – 30 meteors in about an hour – some really brite with long tails – it was wonderful.
Big day planned for Wednesday at the Niobrara – going tubing. Let's get a bit more sleep.
Tuesday, August 12 – clear but damp morning. I needed to do some work prior to heading out to Valentine so the crew ran dogs and got us packed up. Brett checked our trap set up and we had raccoon caught up. He'll be transported beyond any hope of making it back to camp.
• Brie, Inde & Hank - 34 min.
• Brenna, Blitz & Midge - 36 min.
• Erin & Ritha – Erin a mind of his own and Phil had to go get him and tell him he needed to go with us. Ritha a solid out front performance. Thought we'd get some Huns for sure but no such luck. 35 min.
• Ernie & Lea – Ernie was big again today and had him focus back – Lea a solid independent race. No birds again but good runs of almost 30 minutes.
Bob G. had got up early and left to help Jason vaccinate calves at a couple of different ranches. They planned to do it all and Heather was out there helping also. Roger's surgery went good and he's coming home on Wednesday – he'll be laid up a bit but he'll be okay when he's heeled up.
Most of the crew (13 in all) with Linda and Susan staying home at camp. We all hit the Niobrara just after noontime and were set for an afternoon on the river. 13 tubes all lashed together and one for the cooler and food. We drifted the river and stopped at about 2 hours at Smith Falls and on for another 2 hours—enjoying the great scenery and rock formations along the way – many different types of trees. A beautiful day on the river – hardly a cloud in the sky – upper 80's to low 90's and good water levels – very relaxing afternoon. No cell phones – no chores – just enjoying.
We finished up and jockied people around and went to Young's at Valentine. Phil wanted to help the Valentine economy also. Then across the street to what used to be the Peppermill but was now known as Cedar Canyon – same good food and service. A very enjoyable evening. Left for home about 8:30 only to see a huge storm brewing and making it's way towards Ainsworth. We arrived in camp before the storm and the wind was blowing. We got some rain but the majority of it missed us and we just had a short downpour. Great day and the ladies in camp enjoyed the peach and quiet. Bob got back late and they got some help from Heather and got all the animals fed.
Wednesday, August 13 – woke to lightning in the west and radar showing it bearing down on us. Looks like we'll be delayed this morning. Jenny, Renee, Sue and Brent all head home today. They all have things to do so it will be a driving day.
It proved to be a great afternoon for a nap & I took advantage of the opportunity. Bob & Brett still out helping the Painter's move bulls and then Bob went down south with Jason & Heather. Two bulls got into it and headed south taking down 3 fences as they went. It took to almost 6:00 pm before they got back and had everything fixed.
Jason and Devin heading down to visit Roger tomorrow – surgery scheduled for Monday and he's going to be laid up for several weeks to months.
We started to make dinner – some of those savory beef from Imboden's – grill went out so I changed bottles and it did it again – took it apart and it was corroded through – no way we're getting another meal out this old Weber we bought back around the early 1990's. You know you been at summer camp along time when you realize that you've had at least 3 refrigeratiors, 3 washing machines ( 1 this year) new stoves, couple of freezers, multiple air conditioners, dishwasher, new septic system, and more sump pumps than you can count, and now a 2nd propane grill ( one of those that last forever). 20 years on the prairies – working mainly hunting Irish Setters. We've sure had fun watching the kids and the dogs growing up and evolving over time. We now have some of the real young grandchildren that are riding and working dogs, like Katherine, Daniel, Owen and cousin Whitney – all not yet teenangers but getting close. What a thrill to watch them handle a dog and take those young puppies for those long evening walks that start the pups out right.
We went and saw Owen perform at the Country Music Festival. He did a great job with Joe backing him up. There was only 3 entrants in his class but he still did a fine job. Back to camp and a nice evening. Dogs have settled quite a bit and most of the night is peaceful.
Sunday, August 10 – a nice morning. We had planned to birdwork and road today. Everyone was looking for an easy day. I have to follow up with the transmission on my truck and make sure all all is okay.
Roading: cool and light almost mist when I started.
• Erin, Mariah, Brenna & Kate – very solid and fast paced – no one hardly wanted water. 35 min.
• Brie, Hank - Linda thought Brie might be limping a bit and she was holding a rear leg up when I checked her but Bob walked her around and she seemed okay. She roaded just fine. – 32 min.
• Inde, Ritha, Blitz & Midge - once again solid and fast – warming some but still very nice and no one hardly wanted water. 36 min.
Bob and Brett came back from feeding the birds and found that a varmit had found our bird house and tore open one side with many Huns getting loose and he took our 5 of our Huns. We had to do something so I went to town ( planning on seeing Owen's 1:00 pm performance) and got some wire, a trap and a new grill, then some shopping as Owen was delayed until 3:00 PM – back to camp and Linda went back with Phil and the crew. Owen did a fine job and took 2nd in the competition. GOOD JOB, OWEN!!!!!!!!!! We're very proud of you. Coming into camp about 5:30 was Lucas with his girlfriend Chelsea and Jenny's friend Rene. Had a good dinner and told some stories about camp and dogs.
Talked to Jason and his Dad is doing good but getting surgery on Monday. Good luck Roger.
Monday, August 11 – plans for early rise and get to the hills quickly – we did pretty good and were leaving by 7:30 – nice cool breezy morning that promised to be great for the dogs. Brett on the roading machine early after going out and checking the trap. Some varmit got into our trap and managed to get our bait and drag the trap off 20 or 30' and get away. That's not a good sign.
• Suzie, Lea & Sorrel – 28 min.
• Annie, Kate,& Tess – 35 min.
• Ernie & Shauna – had high hopes for this brace but just didn't get it done. Shauna a pretty good race and 1 point only to chase as chicken left. Ernie just did have his head into it today –loopy and not purposeful like his last time down but he had a mannerly STF at 18 and a point @ 21 – I thought turtle and pushed him on – he took 2 steps and out came the chicken - ok my fault – went on he had another STF and was mannerly and finished make a decent move hunting. 45 min and 10 or so chickens.
• Mariah & Lily – kind of a medium ranging GD for both dogs – w/ Mariah having birds getting up 40 yards ahead of her which she never say or smelled – then what should have been a STF and turned out to be a bump and chase then a so so STF – overall a boring brace. 30 min & 6 or 7 chickens.
• Neely, Clifford & Bart – Neely went directly back to camp and shows virtually no desire to go anywhere but camp. Clifford and Bart are both showing signs of improvement with Clifford showing better focus.
Monday afternoon was a trip to the vet with Lightning – some kind of skin issue on her back but nothing too serious. Phil did a big dump run and disposed of the old grill. We had a good dinner planned and watched as a serious storm rolled in. Cranked up the new grill and couldn't get it to work or stay lit – not good – Storm is brewing and getting closer- all radars are showing Tornado watch & we 're set with everyone in the house. Devin called us with updates and so did Jason – Tornado warning to the south and we got a rock and roll hit as the wind blew, rain poured and no tornado sightings in camp.
Not a night to eat outside. Bob had set a trap down by the Hun House – hoping to catch the varmit eating our birds.
Hit the hay with the skys still cloudy and our hopes for Perciad were minimul. Linda set the alarm and we found clear skys - awesome – went around waking folks up to see the meteor shower. Linda, Sue, Chelsey, Phil, Daniel and myself all got up to see the star shower – a bit hay but at least 20 – 30 meteors in about an hour – some really brite with long tails – it was wonderful.
Big day planned for Wednesday at the Niobrara – going tubing. Let's get a bit more sleep.
Tuesday, August 12 – clear but damp morning. I needed to do some work prior to heading out to Valentine so the crew ran dogs and got us packed up. Brett checked our trap set up and we had raccoon caught up. He'll be transported beyond any hope of making it back to camp.
• Brie, Inde & Hank - 34 min.
• Brenna, Blitz & Midge - 36 min.
• Erin & Ritha – Erin a mind of his own and Phil had to go get him and tell him he needed to go with us. Ritha a solid out front performance. Thought we'd get some Huns for sure but no such luck. 35 min.
• Ernie & Lea – Ernie was big again today and had him focus back – Lea a solid independent race. No birds again but good runs of almost 30 minutes.
Bob G. had got up early and left to help Jason vaccinate calves at a couple of different ranches. They planned to do it all and Heather was out there helping also. Roger's surgery went good and he's coming home on Wednesday – he'll be laid up a bit but he'll be okay when he's heeled up.
Most of the crew (13 in all) with Linda and Susan staying home at camp. We all hit the Niobrara just after noontime and were set for an afternoon on the river. 13 tubes all lashed together and one for the cooler and food. We drifted the river and stopped at about 2 hours at Smith Falls and on for another 2 hours—enjoying the great scenery and rock formations along the way – many different types of trees. A beautiful day on the river – hardly a cloud in the sky – upper 80's to low 90's and good water levels – very relaxing afternoon. No cell phones – no chores – just enjoying.
We finished up and jockied people around and went to Young's at Valentine. Phil wanted to help the Valentine economy also. Then across the street to what used to be the Peppermill but was now known as Cedar Canyon – same good food and service. A very enjoyable evening. Left for home about 8:30 only to see a huge storm brewing and making it's way towards Ainsworth. We arrived in camp before the storm and the wind was blowing. We got some rain but the majority of it missed us and we just had a short downpour. Great day and the ladies in camp enjoyed the peach and quiet. Bob got back late and they got some help from Heather and got all the animals fed.
Wednesday, August 13 – woke to lightning in the west and radar showing it bearing down on us. Looks like we'll be delayed this morning. Jenny, Renee, Sue and Brent all head home today. They all have things to do so it will be a driving day.
pointing dog training prairie
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Ainsworth Training Report - Aug 9
Saturday, August 9, 2008 – Puppies were now on stakeouts and Clint moved into the living quarters – he was happy with that. Bob & Brett got out early and we saddled up and got ready for work on the meadows. I roaded early and put some Huns out to see how they were working. Cool morning with a hint of cloud cover.
• Erin, Brenna & Suzie - solid 30 min.
• Lea & Sorrel – this started out strong with Sorel very big but bouncing some –I got him the other day for chasing tweety birds and it showed – his pattern was quite erratic! Lea was all business – from the very beginning it was one move to next and each one properly finished. This is the quickest I've seen a bitch pop back after puppies – boy is she fun to watch. Got around the Seidell loop and back to the Hun Alley area and found her standing stylishly. A great find with perfect manners. Had Sorrely a command back and that was good. Sent on we finished the move and found her standing again, dragged Sorrel back for the back and he did fine. Lea was again perfect throughout – sent on both went front and Lea finished applying herself – Sorrel decided to go back and we needed to have a bit of a talk – don't want to overdo the pressure but he has to go with us. 28 min.
• Tess & Lily – not a good pairing – Tess regressed some today while Lily was immature but handled—Tess too much putter - got around with Lily the better race but she was observed under a Hun and given a slight correction which she handled well. I was quite upset with Tess but got her running down a shelter belt line when she hit point. I said "Whoa" and she was solid as more Huns flushed in 3 flushes 7 or 8 good flying birds and Tess handled well. She seemed to pick it up a notch after the good contact with lots of praise. 22min and getting hot.
• Bart & Clifford – Clifford stretched across the meadow and showed some real good range and application. He was working in the woods when a Hun flushed and he stopped as the girls yelled whoa – he really liked that and finished hunting hard and to the front. Bart is showing improvement also – starting to be fun for both of them. 15 min.
Tonight is County Music Festival and Owen is working on his music. I decided on a world record setting nap for this Saturday afternoon's top priority.
• Erin, Brenna & Suzie - solid 30 min.
• Lea & Sorrel – this started out strong with Sorel very big but bouncing some –I got him the other day for chasing tweety birds and it showed – his pattern was quite erratic! Lea was all business – from the very beginning it was one move to next and each one properly finished. This is the quickest I've seen a bitch pop back after puppies – boy is she fun to watch. Got around the Seidell loop and back to the Hun Alley area and found her standing stylishly. A great find with perfect manners. Had Sorrely a command back and that was good. Sent on we finished the move and found her standing again, dragged Sorrel back for the back and he did fine. Lea was again perfect throughout – sent on both went front and Lea finished applying herself – Sorrel decided to go back and we needed to have a bit of a talk – don't want to overdo the pressure but he has to go with us. 28 min.
• Tess & Lily – not a good pairing – Tess regressed some today while Lily was immature but handled—Tess too much putter - got around with Lily the better race but she was observed under a Hun and given a slight correction which she handled well. I was quite upset with Tess but got her running down a shelter belt line when she hit point. I said "Whoa" and she was solid as more Huns flushed in 3 flushes 7 or 8 good flying birds and Tess handled well. She seemed to pick it up a notch after the good contact with lots of praise. 22min and getting hot.
• Bart & Clifford – Clifford stretched across the meadow and showed some real good range and application. He was working in the woods when a Hun flushed and he stopped as the girls yelled whoa – he really liked that and finished hunting hard and to the front. Bart is showing improvement also – starting to be fun for both of them. 15 min.
Tonight is County Music Festival and Owen is working on his music. I decided on a world record setting nap for this Saturday afternoon's top priority.
Prarie Training
Ainsworth Training Report - Aug 4 - Aug 8
Monday, August 4 – daylight broke with fog and humidity – not super cool but better than it's bid. Lost my roader as Ed Meyer headed to home – he'll be back. Going to train Brett ( Jenny & Phil's nephew) later today. We still needed to get a move on and it sometimes takes a bit more effort with young adults but not this group, they are giving it there all.
• Ernie, Mariah, Suzie & Lea – this group are very experience – a solid 30min with drive from beginning to end.
• Erin & Brenna – got Brett set up after we ran the hills and he is a quick study. 16 min.
• Inde & Kate – Inde dragging a bit – 16 min.
• Brie & Hank – both dogs ran considerably better than their last time down. After the fog burned off, it was warming quickly. No pointed birds or even a STF but they just couldn't smell birds this morning. Right in the middle of them (Brie) had birds flush all around – 12+ good size chickens. Hank had birds go behind him – still no luck but a very pleasing race & stayed with me at the end. 30 min.
• Tess & Shauna – same scenerio as last brace. Tess in the middle of birds coming off a hillside and barely acknowledged their existence. She still get's sticky but overall her biggest race off horseback –not ready to get on her for getting stuck but I will have to eventually. Shauna – the best young dog race in a long time. Flowing and front – good speed, style and pattern. Dropped her nose like a turtle in the area and as Bob told her to get out of there – the 1st chicken left and then 2 more. A slight stop, then a mandatory stop and light correction. More birds as we road – maybe 10-12 at least that brace. 40min & Shauna DOD.
• Bart & Clifford – ran these two but they hooked up playing a bit today and had a rather boring application on the meadow. Getting hot didn't help. 15 min.
Almost noon time and a trip to the dump was in order. Jenny, Sue went the shopping route and Bob & I did the dump route with stops to John Seidel ( didn't get him but
talked to him to make sure we could run on the loop) and so Joe at Ranchland and Kip at lunch.
Backed to camp and checked the birds, quail not doing the best but Huns are great and some movement back to the recall pens. All the kids set up games in the yards and had
a nice afternoon – the misters worked well and even developed a few lakes that the dogs have been excavating. A nice dinner planned, Phil got the stereo system up and running and Lee Sienkowski and his buddy Tom stopped on their way from a remote fishing trip – water too high to fish. It turned out to be a pleasant night.
Tuesday, August 5 - a cool overcast morning. We got word that violent storms hit Sycamore, DeKalb and places east. 100 mph winds – lost a branch at our place but Luke says a lot more damage in town. We looked on the radar and a storm was heading for camp so we held off running. ( big mistake) It stayed cloudy and threatening all morning so we just did birdwork. and roading.
• Ritha, Annie & Sorrel – solid group – 30 min. no problems – Ritha
• Lilly, Dolly & Clint – only 10min. as Clint was stressed and not up to roading.
• Midge – very good handle and a nice, stylish, well mannered find – lots of praise.
• Lily – 1st time down – worked well - listened and had a well handled piece of bird work w/great style.
• Shauna – listened and hunted well – did a good job w/manners and style.
• Brie – she's just gotten into such a habit of ignoring Bob and we're working on getting her polish back. She got several corrections & finished understanding what we wanted.
Went back to camp and got another load of dogs. These were the ATeam dogs.
• Lea & Brenna –hunted those two together around the pond at Hun Pond and couldn't get either one on birds.
• Mariah – worked her around and got a STF that she stepped on as I walked to her not pretty but we took it easier on her – the next one was more of a knock on 2 but I couldn't prove it.
• Sorrel – long story but more of the same – a very stylish NP that he eventually tried to self relocate and then ended on a bump only to do the same thing on the next one.
None of the crew could scent the birds – just too green and their not acclimated enough to turn up the scenting capacity on their noses. We said that was enough. Back to camp and we'll see how it is later.
Afternoon brought one of those great napping days – just a good day. Phil is still locked in the little room – working on a major project. The little room has become command central and he's plugging away – he won't be at camp until at least Wednesday.
The afternoon was peaceful and rather warm but not the blistering heat we had recently.
A good dinner and we finally had the music fixed outside ( Brett & Phil got it running) and we could jam a bit. Rain in the forecast for later tonight.
Had a nice friendly discussion on how we are supposed to evaluate what kind of a presidential candidate a person will be based on whether or not he paid $400 for a haircut. It sounds like Mr. Geddeis could be turning into a liberal. We gladly showed him the error in his logic.
Wednesday, August 6 – Rain started seriously at about 3:30 and continued well into the morning – alternating from light to heavy and putting a big dent in our work. Phil finishing up his project today and we all spent time on the computers. Linda is still struggling with the injury but she keeps on smiling and having a good attitude. She's able to do a few exercises and hopefully that will help. Kids counting on a big dinner in town to night – celebrating the lack of time spent in front of the tube or the computer.
Roading: - rain stopped and cool so we got started roading!
• Mariah, Lea, Ernie & Suzie -- lots of standing water and this group just charged the course for 30 solid minutes.
• Brie, Kate, Hank & Tess – Tess getting with the program ( still have the front lead on her but barely need it. 30 min. – No problems
• Brett took over:
• Lily, Shauna & Annie – 20 min –Annie not real sure.
That was it for birdwork. Bob G. went to get some medicine for the quail –not doing real well. He also had some rabis shots done. I did a a lot of work on the computer and phone – tried to get caught up.
Phil &Jenny took the kids to town. Linda, Bob and I had a nice quiet evening planned and we added to that enjoyment when Joe & Laurie and their daughter came over for a nice visit. We hadn't really had a chance to visit with them so this was great. Joe might even play with Owen in the competition as her accompanist. Great to see them and they bought another business in town – used to be Kathy's Closet so she was really busy.
Thursday, August 7, 2008 – cool, dry morning – time to get moving. We got everyone on the run- going to Richardson's. Moving down the road by 7:30 not perfect but still much improved. We dropped a fence down south of the circle and got the show on the road.
• Inde, Shauna & Annie - all coming along nicely – 30 min.
• Erin & Brenna - only 1 chicken seen but both had solid GD races – good coverage and front. Erin more forward then Brenna but both were good. Erin a Jackrabbit chase that really stretched him out. A solid 29 min. brace with more left for both dogs.
• We got a call from Brett on the walkie talkie's – he was stuck on the south side of the home hay meadow. Phil took the truck and a tow strap and went to get him out. We waited so he could run his dog. Brett found one of those soft spots and got it buried pretty good. Got the call on the walkie talkie – got him free!!
• Lea & Midge – Midge a little slow starting but with a little help from Lea she got going. We saw 3-4 jack rabbits all in one area but the dogs missed them. A big move for both down along the CRP - going, going – gone – they reached a ½ mile front and north staying on course but really stretching. Nice solid race but no birds – Lea didn't want to quit and hooked some tweety birds at the end- guess the old dog was just too bored – Phil &Bob got her and had a talk then put the lead on her. A fun brace! 32 min.
• Lily & Sorrel – headed these two back to camp with the girls taking the rig home. Sorrel really showing some huge moves –took a dicky bird for a ride but I caught him – Lily a few spots with her nose down but overall a nice job - crossed the fence into the home meadow and sent them down Hun Alley – Sorrel ran over a bird in deep grass and was a bit spooked with Lily also knocking and chasing. Put them both on a cord – put a bird out and got Sorrel pointed with Lily backing – good stylish piece with good manners. Walked them quite a ways then cut them loose and finished nicely. 28 min. Improvement for these green brokes.
• Bart, Neely & Clifford – Neely still very unsure – stays by the horses . Bart opened up some and Clifford ran a solid puppy race – forward and hunting. 15 min.
That was the whole day as it was starting to heat up. We had a couple of horses go down in some holes – Sue on Ben who hit the deck – she rolled off gracefully and no worse for the wear! Eb tried to shake me up but I didn't let him off the hook . Back in camp –
Country Music Festival this weekend so the Phil & Jenny crew went to town and Owen met with Joe and practiced his songs for the contest.
Sue ran some more clothes line to the south fence and doubled our drying space – my wife informed me that this was a major improvement – when I was a bit to unimpressed with the innovation. Power went out in the mid afternoon – a car accident on Pine St just south of the commentary knocked a pole and that caused it. about 3-4 hours to get if fixed.
Whitney and Katherine took puppies for their nightly ( almost) walk in the meadow. What a great place for puppies. The two Lea pups ( Stryker & Tequi) are starting to climb over the pen – time to switch to a stake out.
Friday, August 8, 2008 – a bit overcast and Roger is planning on moving bulls – we're out early to meet them and help but run a brace 1st – that was the plan. We were up, motivated & loaded early and off to the south pastures. Hit the 3rd pasture and Roger had mowed a bundh of the early flatland – missed my turn and headed west – got delayed on one hill – had to unload the horses but we got them out – the next one wasn't so good. We got STUCK – not delayed – but real stuck. Finally decided to unhook the trailer and try from a different angle – also decided to send out a brace while we worked on it.
• Brie & Kate -- Both dogs best time on the ground – strong, forward and going with the crew – Bob saw 6 chickens in the air and went charging up the hill and found Brie standing with great style. As he road to her another got up and more as he dismounted – 6 or 7 more that she had pinned. Great piece – no birds for Katie but a good race – getting hot and the girls showed stamina. 40 min.
• Meantime – Phil and I unhooked and moved for a side approach – couldn't get it right –and then we had smoke coming out of the engine. Got it moved and found a trail of red
• fluid – looked to be auto trans. fluid. It was and eventually, we couldn't even get it to move -- - not good. We waited for the crew to come and decided to head to camp – put 2 dogs in Bob's Jeep – sent the brace out and Phil & I went to camp – Phil went to town for transfluid and a funnel plus his truck. I went back to get dogs at Triple gates before they got too hot.
• In the meantime, we met Devin and Heather – looking for bulls – told him what was up & he would tell Roger & Jason.
• Ernie & Ernie – Mariah a very solid performance but no birds. Ernie – dog of the day and probably dog of camp at this point. Big race – 2 – 3 hill in front – got turned around when a young scout pointed him off the wrong way by mistake and Bob went to him and got him front – only to loose him again. As they rode looking they saw a single and went over the hill and spotted him to the front on point – they rode to him and got off to flush & birds left all around and he had to duck on a couple of them but he was perfect in style and manners – about a dozen birds pinned – great find. Sent on, he continued to roll with no let down on the ground and a very solid 30 min. race.
I came and got the dogs – back to camp and unloaded and here came Roger into camp in his pick-up – a bit peekid – it turns out he roped a bull and got sideways with his horse who blew up and gave Roger a big bucking ride – he stayed on the full 8 seconds plus some – but eventually took a big hit. Sounds like ribs and maybe more. I suggested the hospital but he wasn't too keen on that idea. He headed home and later we found out he did go and they're transporting him to Kearny – appears he has hip damage. Not good for Roger. Bob went down and helped with the bulls. Devin came into camp with some bulls and then helped up put up the pen for our horses and put the bulls in the secure pen.
Roading: Sometime during the day, Brett got to road some dogs.
• Ritha, Hank & Annie - 30 min.
Phil, Brett & me went back to the truck with Transmission fluid, house jacks and a plan. We started with the truck and 2 qts of fluid later, it was fine – just boiled the fluid out, we'll have to wait and see if it did any long term damage.
Got the jacks going and got the rubber matts under the jack and dragged it over the bad spots but still couldn't get hooked. Only one jack worked well - drove my truck and the jeep back for another jack – dropped the young girls off and got Bob to go with us. Forgot to bring Phil a cold beer – we just were off all day long. Now with 2 jacks we were able to get it high enough for hooking to Phils . Got it unstuck but should've taken off his tailgate before we tried – a bit of a crunch !!!!!!!!! Bob led the way and we tried to find flatland ( in the sandhills!!!!!!!!!) to keep from damaging the bed anymore – we made it but not exactly a pretty site. Once we hit the good trail we were okay but the damage was done. Oh well – at least we got it done but it was 4:00 pm already and time for serious Irish Whiskey !!!
Hear that Roger was not feeling too good. Looks like he might need surgery to fix the ball and socket – maybe even some metal. He's not real happy. Bob and Brett were heading up Johnstown tomorrow to help Devin, Jason with the bulls up there. We were going to get some seious dog work done.
A great night for hamburgers and a movie and everyone watched " August Rush " a real good movie especially for folks that like good music.
• Ernie, Mariah, Suzie & Lea – this group are very experience – a solid 30min with drive from beginning to end.
• Erin & Brenna – got Brett set up after we ran the hills and he is a quick study. 16 min.
• Inde & Kate – Inde dragging a bit – 16 min.
• Brie & Hank – both dogs ran considerably better than their last time down. After the fog burned off, it was warming quickly. No pointed birds or even a STF but they just couldn't smell birds this morning. Right in the middle of them (Brie) had birds flush all around – 12+ good size chickens. Hank had birds go behind him – still no luck but a very pleasing race & stayed with me at the end. 30 min.
• Tess & Shauna – same scenerio as last brace. Tess in the middle of birds coming off a hillside and barely acknowledged their existence. She still get's sticky but overall her biggest race off horseback –not ready to get on her for getting stuck but I will have to eventually. Shauna – the best young dog race in a long time. Flowing and front – good speed, style and pattern. Dropped her nose like a turtle in the area and as Bob told her to get out of there – the 1st chicken left and then 2 more. A slight stop, then a mandatory stop and light correction. More birds as we road – maybe 10-12 at least that brace. 40min & Shauna DOD.
• Bart & Clifford – ran these two but they hooked up playing a bit today and had a rather boring application on the meadow. Getting hot didn't help. 15 min.
Almost noon time and a trip to the dump was in order. Jenny, Sue went the shopping route and Bob & I did the dump route with stops to John Seidel ( didn't get him but
talked to him to make sure we could run on the loop) and so Joe at Ranchland and Kip at lunch.
Backed to camp and checked the birds, quail not doing the best but Huns are great and some movement back to the recall pens. All the kids set up games in the yards and had
a nice afternoon – the misters worked well and even developed a few lakes that the dogs have been excavating. A nice dinner planned, Phil got the stereo system up and running and Lee Sienkowski and his buddy Tom stopped on their way from a remote fishing trip – water too high to fish. It turned out to be a pleasant night.
Tuesday, August 5 - a cool overcast morning. We got word that violent storms hit Sycamore, DeKalb and places east. 100 mph winds – lost a branch at our place but Luke says a lot more damage in town. We looked on the radar and a storm was heading for camp so we held off running. ( big mistake) It stayed cloudy and threatening all morning so we just did birdwork. and roading.
• Ritha, Annie & Sorrel – solid group – 30 min. no problems – Ritha
• Lilly, Dolly & Clint – only 10min. as Clint was stressed and not up to roading.
• Midge – very good handle and a nice, stylish, well mannered find – lots of praise.
• Lily – 1st time down – worked well - listened and had a well handled piece of bird work w/great style.
• Shauna – listened and hunted well – did a good job w/manners and style.
• Brie – she's just gotten into such a habit of ignoring Bob and we're working on getting her polish back. She got several corrections & finished understanding what we wanted.
Went back to camp and got another load of dogs. These were the ATeam dogs.
• Lea & Brenna –hunted those two together around the pond at Hun Pond and couldn't get either one on birds.
• Mariah – worked her around and got a STF that she stepped on as I walked to her not pretty but we took it easier on her – the next one was more of a knock on 2 but I couldn't prove it.
• Sorrel – long story but more of the same – a very stylish NP that he eventually tried to self relocate and then ended on a bump only to do the same thing on the next one.
None of the crew could scent the birds – just too green and their not acclimated enough to turn up the scenting capacity on their noses. We said that was enough. Back to camp and we'll see how it is later.
Afternoon brought one of those great napping days – just a good day. Phil is still locked in the little room – working on a major project. The little room has become command central and he's plugging away – he won't be at camp until at least Wednesday.
The afternoon was peaceful and rather warm but not the blistering heat we had recently.
A good dinner and we finally had the music fixed outside ( Brett & Phil got it running) and we could jam a bit. Rain in the forecast for later tonight.
Had a nice friendly discussion on how we are supposed to evaluate what kind of a presidential candidate a person will be based on whether or not he paid $400 for a haircut. It sounds like Mr. Geddeis could be turning into a liberal. We gladly showed him the error in his logic.
Wednesday, August 6 – Rain started seriously at about 3:30 and continued well into the morning – alternating from light to heavy and putting a big dent in our work. Phil finishing up his project today and we all spent time on the computers. Linda is still struggling with the injury but she keeps on smiling and having a good attitude. She's able to do a few exercises and hopefully that will help. Kids counting on a big dinner in town to night – celebrating the lack of time spent in front of the tube or the computer.
Roading: - rain stopped and cool so we got started roading!
• Mariah, Lea, Ernie & Suzie -- lots of standing water and this group just charged the course for 30 solid minutes.
• Brie, Kate, Hank & Tess – Tess getting with the program ( still have the front lead on her but barely need it. 30 min. – No problems
• Brett took over:
• Lily, Shauna & Annie – 20 min –Annie not real sure.
That was it for birdwork. Bob G. went to get some medicine for the quail –not doing real well. He also had some rabis shots done. I did a a lot of work on the computer and phone – tried to get caught up.
Phil &Jenny took the kids to town. Linda, Bob and I had a nice quiet evening planned and we added to that enjoyment when Joe & Laurie and their daughter came over for a nice visit. We hadn't really had a chance to visit with them so this was great. Joe might even play with Owen in the competition as her accompanist. Great to see them and they bought another business in town – used to be Kathy's Closet so she was really busy.
Thursday, August 7, 2008 – cool, dry morning – time to get moving. We got everyone on the run- going to Richardson's. Moving down the road by 7:30 not perfect but still much improved. We dropped a fence down south of the circle and got the show on the road.
• Inde, Shauna & Annie - all coming along nicely – 30 min.
• Erin & Brenna - only 1 chicken seen but both had solid GD races – good coverage and front. Erin more forward then Brenna but both were good. Erin a Jackrabbit chase that really stretched him out. A solid 29 min. brace with more left for both dogs.
• We got a call from Brett on the walkie talkie's – he was stuck on the south side of the home hay meadow. Phil took the truck and a tow strap and went to get him out. We waited so he could run his dog. Brett found one of those soft spots and got it buried pretty good. Got the call on the walkie talkie – got him free!!
• Lea & Midge – Midge a little slow starting but with a little help from Lea she got going. We saw 3-4 jack rabbits all in one area but the dogs missed them. A big move for both down along the CRP - going, going – gone – they reached a ½ mile front and north staying on course but really stretching. Nice solid race but no birds – Lea didn't want to quit and hooked some tweety birds at the end- guess the old dog was just too bored – Phil &Bob got her and had a talk then put the lead on her. A fun brace! 32 min.
• Lily & Sorrel – headed these two back to camp with the girls taking the rig home. Sorrel really showing some huge moves –took a dicky bird for a ride but I caught him – Lily a few spots with her nose down but overall a nice job - crossed the fence into the home meadow and sent them down Hun Alley – Sorrel ran over a bird in deep grass and was a bit spooked with Lily also knocking and chasing. Put them both on a cord – put a bird out and got Sorrel pointed with Lily backing – good stylish piece with good manners. Walked them quite a ways then cut them loose and finished nicely. 28 min. Improvement for these green brokes.
• Bart, Neely & Clifford – Neely still very unsure – stays by the horses . Bart opened up some and Clifford ran a solid puppy race – forward and hunting. 15 min.
That was the whole day as it was starting to heat up. We had a couple of horses go down in some holes – Sue on Ben who hit the deck – she rolled off gracefully and no worse for the wear! Eb tried to shake me up but I didn't let him off the hook . Back in camp –
Country Music Festival this weekend so the Phil & Jenny crew went to town and Owen met with Joe and practiced his songs for the contest.
Sue ran some more clothes line to the south fence and doubled our drying space – my wife informed me that this was a major improvement – when I was a bit to unimpressed with the innovation. Power went out in the mid afternoon – a car accident on Pine St just south of the commentary knocked a pole and that caused it. about 3-4 hours to get if fixed.
Whitney and Katherine took puppies for their nightly ( almost) walk in the meadow. What a great place for puppies. The two Lea pups ( Stryker & Tequi) are starting to climb over the pen – time to switch to a stake out.
Friday, August 8, 2008 – a bit overcast and Roger is planning on moving bulls – we're out early to meet them and help but run a brace 1st – that was the plan. We were up, motivated & loaded early and off to the south pastures. Hit the 3rd pasture and Roger had mowed a bundh of the early flatland – missed my turn and headed west – got delayed on one hill – had to unload the horses but we got them out – the next one wasn't so good. We got STUCK – not delayed – but real stuck. Finally decided to unhook the trailer and try from a different angle – also decided to send out a brace while we worked on it.
• Brie & Kate -- Both dogs best time on the ground – strong, forward and going with the crew – Bob saw 6 chickens in the air and went charging up the hill and found Brie standing with great style. As he road to her another got up and more as he dismounted – 6 or 7 more that she had pinned. Great piece – no birds for Katie but a good race – getting hot and the girls showed stamina. 40 min.
• Meantime – Phil and I unhooked and moved for a side approach – couldn't get it right –and then we had smoke coming out of the engine. Got it moved and found a trail of red
• fluid – looked to be auto trans. fluid. It was and eventually, we couldn't even get it to move -- - not good. We waited for the crew to come and decided to head to camp – put 2 dogs in Bob's Jeep – sent the brace out and Phil & I went to camp – Phil went to town for transfluid and a funnel plus his truck. I went back to get dogs at Triple gates before they got too hot.
• In the meantime, we met Devin and Heather – looking for bulls – told him what was up & he would tell Roger & Jason.
• Ernie & Ernie – Mariah a very solid performance but no birds. Ernie – dog of the day and probably dog of camp at this point. Big race – 2 – 3 hill in front – got turned around when a young scout pointed him off the wrong way by mistake and Bob went to him and got him front – only to loose him again. As they rode looking they saw a single and went over the hill and spotted him to the front on point – they rode to him and got off to flush & birds left all around and he had to duck on a couple of them but he was perfect in style and manners – about a dozen birds pinned – great find. Sent on, he continued to roll with no let down on the ground and a very solid 30 min. race.
I came and got the dogs – back to camp and unloaded and here came Roger into camp in his pick-up – a bit peekid – it turns out he roped a bull and got sideways with his horse who blew up and gave Roger a big bucking ride – he stayed on the full 8 seconds plus some – but eventually took a big hit. Sounds like ribs and maybe more. I suggested the hospital but he wasn't too keen on that idea. He headed home and later we found out he did go and they're transporting him to Kearny – appears he has hip damage. Not good for Roger. Bob went down and helped with the bulls. Devin came into camp with some bulls and then helped up put up the pen for our horses and put the bulls in the secure pen.
Roading: Sometime during the day, Brett got to road some dogs.
• Ritha, Hank & Annie - 30 min.
Phil, Brett & me went back to the truck with Transmission fluid, house jacks and a plan. We started with the truck and 2 qts of fluid later, it was fine – just boiled the fluid out, we'll have to wait and see if it did any long term damage.
Got the jacks going and got the rubber matts under the jack and dragged it over the bad spots but still couldn't get hooked. Only one jack worked well - drove my truck and the jeep back for another jack – dropped the young girls off and got Bob to go with us. Forgot to bring Phil a cold beer – we just were off all day long. Now with 2 jacks we were able to get it high enough for hooking to Phils . Got it unstuck but should've taken off his tailgate before we tried – a bit of a crunch !!!!!!!!! Bob led the way and we tried to find flatland ( in the sandhills!!!!!!!!!) to keep from damaging the bed anymore – we made it but not exactly a pretty site. Once we hit the good trail we were okay but the damage was done. Oh well – at least we got it done but it was 4:00 pm already and time for serious Irish Whiskey !!!
Hear that Roger was not feeling too good. Looks like he might need surgery to fix the ball and socket – maybe even some metal. He's not real happy. Bob and Brett were heading up Johnstown tomorrow to help Devin, Jason with the bulls up there. We were going to get some seious dog work done.
A great night for hamburgers and a movie and everyone watched " August Rush " a real good movie especially for folks that like good music.
summer camp,
Ainsworth Training Report - July 28 - Aug 3
Monday, June 28 – warm even at sunrise – going to be a hot one. We're starting to road but Linda is hurting with the hamstring/groin pull – not fun. We're going to start roading and run some pups then back to chores – still need to work on the bird house – it slid to one side and is very unstable with the main support beam cracked. We're working on it.
• Neely & Trixie - Neely came back to camp twice and that was her day Trixie showed some talent and ran pretty well. 12 min.
• Bart & Baby – Bart's 1st time around a horse or out in the field – not bad – Baby just not getting with the program yet. . 15 min.
• Brenna & Blitz – Just down for the exercise – Blitz ran a forward hard hunting race – Brenna big and going front – just a nice job for both dogs. 17 min.
• Lea, Mariah, Hank & Katie - 20 min. plus waterstops
• Erin, Midge, Ritha ( had Tess there too but she kept slipping – need some work) – 20 min.
• Shauna & Dolly – 16 min. ( Clint started but he is too stressed with Joy in heat and the heat – 2 min).
Warming right up but we went to town and got some supplies for the bird pen. Decided to mount it on concrete blocks – more support on the bottom structure. We got it done and at least functional – where's Alex!!!! Birds coming tomorrow.
Got back to camp and started to cook – rain clouds come rolling in and Bob and I based on our vast experience with sandhill rainstorms told everyone it would pass us by. It poured – Roger got 1.5 " at his place. A little damp making dinner but we can't complain. Had a good dinner --- inside ( rain lasted much longer then expected) and told camp stories. A nice night – Mary headed back to her room in town and called it a night. Got a good nights sleep until we lost some power for awhile but not long – around 5:30.
Tuesday, July 29 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL!!!!!!!! My brother's B-Day -
Cooler this morning – everyone survived the rain – got up very early and loading horses and dogs by 6:45 – Sent Ed out with a brace to road while we finished loading dogs & horses and stuff. More roading later – heading south end of Triple gates.
• Ernie, Midge, Brenna & Annie -- Annie slowed group down – Midge darted aftertweetie birds. 20 min. – just to acclimate – Ernie in good shape.
• Suzie & Tess – had to double hook Tess – Suzie pulled hard-10 min.
• Inde & Lea – 10 min.
• Karma & Erin – fast and furious – that's Karma – Erin a bit slower ( no conditioning) but both hunted and ranged front. Erin at 28 worked nicely into a good spot – stopped loosely – moved up and styled up. A slow approach from the front produced 3 flushes of 3 or 4 birds each and 2 pistol shots – a gentle, acceptable mark and good manners to the end. Lots of praise – sent these 2 on and got a decent finish considering we were down 45 min. & warming. Karma flat won on the ground but Erin was acceptable – Erin showed me good sense. 10 young chickens. This brace really put us into a good move and we were anxious for more work. We were in the 1st south pasture from triple gates.
• Gloria & Brie – Glory the stronger course – Brie much improved from the other day. 2 flushes of wild chickens – 1 had 9 or 10 and 1 had 4 but couldn't get
dogs to find them. Warming on this brace but plenty of water to cool them. Brie
had some turtle work but not bad – worked through or went on so we have had
a positive attitude. 32 min.
• Mariah & Amos - Mariah hunting nicely and moving with good style, Amos fast and attractive and I think a significant improvement – Mariah chased a duck and I let it go but Bob caught up with her and made the correction. Both dogs made game in an area with Chicken – some caution but wild flush and both chased – Amos caught 1st and brought back – let him go and he pointed 3 birds w/great style and manners. Both dogs got a bit lateral but still hunting as it warmed. A rather ugly encounter with a nesting duck for both dogs were not what we wanted to finish but we called it a day. 28 min. About a dozen chickens!
• Clifford & Patsy – Ed and Mary took a walking brace with Patsy showing a desire to hit the cover and Clifford got a good swimming lesson and cover hunting. Clifford a solid Turkey point at about 16 and this lit his fire for a strong finish. Good for both dogs. 20 min.
• Inde pups – 2 young pups took a walk in tall cover – they were very Inquisitive – the little girl more independent. Boy found a dead turtle.
The Hungarian Partridge arrived about 11:30 am so we got our birds all set up in their new home. Came back to camp and went out to the other Johnnie houses. Ed checked the two at home and then we went to the Steele place. We've got some work to do on them but nothing too major. We have quail coming Friday AM and we should be up to speed shortly thereafter.
A rather quiet afternoon – met a semi on the road to Steele's place and it turned out to be our dog food delivery. Back to camp for a quick unloading at the new building. Then back to finishing our chores. Still trying to breed Joy/Sorell but no luck yet. Getting close! Went to the Golden Steer restaurant in town for dinner - had a good meal and enjoyed the pleasant evening. Waitress was fun and even enjoyed our opinion of Mr. G ordering his salad with 'Dorthy Lynch' on the side. Just hit our he/haw bone last night.
Back to camp and calling it a night. Seems to be milder and less humid tonight. Hopefully this weather will break.
Wednesday, July 30 – nice this morning but the forecast is not good – heat is building and we're looking at 100's on the weekend. Andy ( Stan's Horse) broke out in hives again and I was just thinking he was over it. Got him on the med's and talked to the Vet – more coming out. He's such an outstanding horse but he has no luck with his skin. He doesn't act up at all, we just try to keep him clear of it.
Busy morning planned – trying to beat the heat.
• Suzie, Inde, Katie & Ritha - 24 min group – need to keep Ritha & Katie on the outside.
• Lea & Hank – set these two down @7:15 am – a better morning but not what I would call cool. Big moves and lots of hunt with both dogs hanging out together Lea her 1st time on the ground since January – having puppies and everything and she was amazing. Good speed and great stamina. Couldn't get them into birds – close but the race was fun. Lea was strong – hit the windmill at 24 and right back at it – Hank flowed with us better – not quite as big as Lea or her pop but still a nice time on the ground for both dogs. 38 min. Lea didn't want to get picked up and went self hunting for 7 or 8 min. 6+ chickens plus covey of baby sharptails – maybe 3-4 weeks old. Kept the dogs out of that spot.
• Bart & Trixie – Trixie the more experienced and conditioned – both hunted w/Bart into cactus – shut him down a bit but got into chickens and picked right up giving excellent chase – Trixie into chickens as well.
• Neely & Baby – Kinda of a messed up brace – Baby back to the truck Neely with then got them going – drove on and they got Baby going front – Neely went everywhere but with us – leaving and going a full mile back to the break away even though we didn't leave anything there – she's kinda off her game so far but Search and Rescue Team (Bob, Ed L. & Ed. M) got her rounded up and back to camp.
Roading: Ed continued the days list
• Sorrel, Midge, Tess & Shauna - taking it slow with Sorrel – he has lyme's and is on the treatment. Midge – good –but crazy with birds flying on the rig. Shauna a pro – Tess bit of a flake but learning. 17 min.
• Blitz, Annie & Dolly – Blitz should be an A-Team roader – Annie not real sure of the rig and Dolly a pro – just taking it easy with her. 15 min.
Mary takes Patsy and Clifford for walks in the meadow and he hunts a storm. Looking for birds.
The crew went to town and got lots of parts, pvc black pipe for a mist set up for the dogs.
Also picked up a refrigerator that we bought from Heather's grand parents. Did some grain shopping in Long Pine and checked out the local market. Made sure the Huns were well settled in and will release some tomorrow.
Back to camp and time for dinner. Still warm and humid. Problems doing much with the dogs but more progress everyday. Had a good meal and some conversation but stereo not yet working – have to get if rewired!
Thursday, July 31 – warm but a breeze. Off to the hills with our crew being ready to go early.
• Erin, Mariah, Suzie & Ritha - 22 min. solid
• Ernie & Karma – Karma the better of the two but neither one had their head on and we had a missed gate so we were totally disorientated – had them down for quite awhile but not their best. 45 min. ( 2 birds seen but none with the dogs)
• Kate & Gloria – both dogs hunted well with Gloria in better condition. NP for Kate ( not a turtle) and a few turtle pick ups but she readily dropped as long as stayed quiet--- interesting. Gloria into birds that took some correction. Kate was pretty big and went with us – a decent performance. 1 chicken – 39 min.
• Brenna & Amos – Heating up already so we cut these two loose headed up the meadow as I drove back to camp. Brenna had a NP next to the corn circle – probably a running pheasant. Both ran well in the heat – 35 min. no birds.
• Clifford - a nice run in the meadow with one bird contact. Showing a lot of hunt and good stamina at this point.
Roading: Ed back at it.
• Sorrel & Inde - 22min. solid job ( Sorrel had a tie w/Joy this morning)
• Tess & Annie – 18 min. Tess learning with Ed's patience – roading not her strong suit to this point. She needed a front hook up so she couldn't slide out and that worked – took it off at the halfway mark.
Thursday afternoon was a trip to town trying to fine Phil a phone we could be assured working or an amplifier which we had to order some of the parts. Still trying to get the sprinkler head repaired – they're just real busy around town this year.
Friday, August 1 – no roading list today – just trying to get up to speed with some birdwork. Quail coming today. Cool morning but the promise of heat this afternoon. We're out early & ready to go on the meadows.
• Brenna & Gloria – I went and put out some Huns just ahead of the group. The girls did fine until the middle of the field when a Skunk had to say hello to Gloria – she got hit but not real bad. A very nice find for Gloria – until the flush – she needed a bit of correction. Brenna got one pointed and had good style and manners. The huns are flying great. 25 min
• Sorrel & Karma – Sorrel has the ladies on his mine but was all business when he was set down – good hunting race –not quite on the edges enough but ok & Karma reaching nicely. Sorrel an opportunity to handle a legit STF which he didn't and was corrected. No birds for Karma and as we swung back – the skunk was back.
We decided to bird work a bunch but 1st did a sneak attack on our striped back menace. I don't think he'll be back to harass us.
• Shauna – worked her on the point and had a good stylish point with good manners.
• Amos – nice stylish fine with good manners.
• Midge- nice point – gone w/bird – got her attention and put a cord on her she handled it great.
Meadows: now some more running for young dogs.
• Bart & Baby (baby didn't want to go so he switched to Trixie – nice lap but no birds.
• Neely & Clifford – Clifford shows lots of hunt and pattern with good range – Neely not getting it yet – maybe won't!
• Karma – Ed took Karma back out and worked her on a bird – good job. – camp was over for Ed – he's heading out.
Went to town and got the rest of the parts for Phil's phone upgrade along with the
our first batch of quail. Did the chores and got Ed to help put birds out. We drove
down the lane to the west going to the Sidell loop and as we left camp we flushed a big
bunch of birds – all chickens – 3-4 almost full grown and another bunch ½ grown.
• Annie – Ed took Annie on a lead and got a good ST on them with no problem small steps for her but a good piece of work.
Ed and Gloria were squeaky clean for their trip home. Ed had changed clothes and loading up when he got a whiff of Gloria. Whoops – our skunk buddy had left his mark. Ed had to change again and give her a serious bath – then load up and head out. Ed's 1st trip to camp was a success and he had fun and learned about summer camp on the hills.
His dogs are fast with tons of eye appeal and honest bird dogs. He's developing a very good string.
We had a good dinner with Heather & Jason stopping by and Devin after they finished working. A long hard day but they had put a big hit in mowing – with good weather they should be done in a few days. The crew was haying late and all came by at dark for a cold one and little time to cool down. Clear night with lots of stars. Got woke up about 4 am with the dogs going ballistic – couldn't see anything but Ed heard a crash about that time – could've been the bulls were acting up and taking it out on each other. Go figure but the clarity of the stars and quantity was unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 2 – no rain in the forecast but a cloudy start to the day. Devin had to work but Jason & Heather made the trip. Jason working a horse for someone – bit of a brat but he's making progress.
This is Mary's last day for a few weeks – going to come back for a long weekend – she's been a great help and loves the game!
Roading: Ed got the 1st one off as we got ready.
• Blitz, Inde, Kate & Suzie - the old pro's just get the job done – 26 min.
Hills: Went to Richardson's school section – water back up some but not as much as other spots I've been.
• Ritha & Brie – I handled Ritha and she was quite short and handy as we punched a strong headwind – just had to let her take it easy – Brie about the same but a little more sticky around turtles – got Bob's dander up a bit and I don't blame him but a nice point with good manners on a single and as Bob went to her the rest of the covey left – 4-5 more – nice piece of work. Crossing the water Jason's horse really tried to be a brat but he stayed with it. Got them going with the wind and they opened up some. Overall a more consistent forward GD race from Ritha w/no birdwork – Brie a good bird but cactus and turtles did her in. 39 min. 6-7 chickens.
• Shauna & Erin –these 2 have the tools but Erin was just off his game early – with the young female just burying him – we worked east and Bob & Jason had to get her – back to the south it was pull and tug w/Shauna and while Erin was smooth and opened up as we turned back to camp – he really rolled the last 15+ minutes and was a pleasure to watch. Shauna has the youth and eye appeal. She couldn't be caught at pick up and they had to ride to get her. A fun brace. 30 min. 4 birds seen but none worked.
In order to move to the windmill, we through the horses in and tried to make the hill-
had to unload the horses and attack the sand – just a delay. Jason and Heather heading
to Norfolk so they're out of here. Jason made sure I could get moving before he left
• Midge & Hank – unfortunately we hit the cactus right off the bit and I'm trying to keep Midge with me – I did too good of a job. Ed Meyer was on Hank when he almost handled a STF but Bob had to chase him down. Midge had a really good STF almost getting them pointed it – but clean for the shot and a lot of praise. Just taking baby steps with her. We kept them near water and Midge and Hank had some good minutes but more time spent on cactus overall. 30 min. 2 or 3 birds.
Roading: Back at camp – heat is rising.
• Ernie, Lea & Mariah – 22 min. – no problems. Ernie in the best shape but the others doing fine.
• Dolly, Annie & Tess – 17 min. Tess off the front lead and starting to get an idea – need her to get into it & she is.
Back in the house – Owen practicing his violin – boy he's making some great music. Just fun to listen to. 98+ today with strong humidity – got the sprinkler on the dogs and tomorrow we install the 'mister'.
Birds are doing fine so far – even in the heat – going through the water and feed.
After the morning run, Mary P. and I did snap tests on 7 dogs – all negative across the board but mainly interested in Lyme's disease after seeing 2 dogs have problems. All ours were fine so that's good news. Mary was a trooper all week – hard working and pitching in wherever needed. We got 2 good ties on Joy/Sorrel breeding so that made us positive. That could be a great litter. Mary packed up and hit the road leaving Clifford out dog out of the Norwegian bitch – he's a very nice dog – good looking and a real bird dog – having lots of fun with him(Clifford for those who are interested).
Afternoon was too hot for anything but we did some shopping – got birds all filled up and then Bob got Ed all set up with his MacBook Pro computer. Mac is the wave of the future – amazing what we can do with these units. Our camp might be the most tech orientated camp with wireless, boosters, 3-4 units online at any given time - allows us amateurs to compete and enjoy our time away.
Phil, Jenny and a cast of thousands will arrive later tonight. Actual time was almost 10:00 pm just as we were getting hit with a nice rain storm. More wind, thunder and lightning than rain. Great to have them all here in camp. They spent the night unhooked but got up early and started getting things together.
Sunday, August 3 – overcast this morning with a strong breeze. More heat in the forcast for today and tomorrow but 80's the rest of the week. That's good news.
We're giving the dogs Sunday off ( maybe it's us we're giving off)!!
• Annie- Ed is leaving today so we worked Annie down at the Hun House and had a decent piece of work – she didn't see bird fly but I threw one and she stood mannerly. Not a bad Session.
• Sorrel- wanted to get his mind off Joy and he worked pretty good but couldn't solid piece –ended up with manners but he's all business when he's working birds.
We spent the morning hooking up all the pipe for the mist hook up. Got it going as it hit the mid 90's – really works well and we have a gentle mist falling over the entire string except for the California Cul de Sac which has an abundance of shade and never get's super hot.
Ed Meyer packed up and headed home – he'll be back at the tail end of camp. I think he had a fun time and he sure was a great help as were Mary & Ed Lierman. They sure made the start bearable in some very, very hot weather.
Thanks Team!!!!!!!!!
Jenny & Sue took the kids to Long Pine and they spent the afternoon in the very cool creek. Fun time! Back to camp as the Painter's arrived done haying for the day. We had plenty to eat but they had all just finished. Still had a great Pork Tenderloin with our 1st Sweet Corn. HUMMMMMMMM GoooooooD!!!!!!!!! Nice night as the kids went in and played Apples to Apples. A fun game.
On not so fun of a note. Our friend Lee Shoaf lost his dog Teama to Bone Cancer. She really lived very actively right up to the end –playing and running around with Lee's new pup. A very quick and painless end to a tough disease. She was a Clint/Patti daughter and really a fine young dog.
May the Shamrocks Fall Softly!!!!
• Neely & Trixie - Neely came back to camp twice and that was her day Trixie showed some talent and ran pretty well. 12 min.
• Bart & Baby – Bart's 1st time around a horse or out in the field – not bad – Baby just not getting with the program yet. . 15 min.
• Brenna & Blitz – Just down for the exercise – Blitz ran a forward hard hunting race – Brenna big and going front – just a nice job for both dogs. 17 min.
• Lea, Mariah, Hank & Katie - 20 min. plus waterstops
• Erin, Midge, Ritha ( had Tess there too but she kept slipping – need some work) – 20 min.
• Shauna & Dolly – 16 min. ( Clint started but he is too stressed with Joy in heat and the heat – 2 min).
Warming right up but we went to town and got some supplies for the bird pen. Decided to mount it on concrete blocks – more support on the bottom structure. We got it done and at least functional – where's Alex!!!! Birds coming tomorrow.
Got back to camp and started to cook – rain clouds come rolling in and Bob and I based on our vast experience with sandhill rainstorms told everyone it would pass us by. It poured – Roger got 1.5 " at his place. A little damp making dinner but we can't complain. Had a good dinner --- inside ( rain lasted much longer then expected) and told camp stories. A nice night – Mary headed back to her room in town and called it a night. Got a good nights sleep until we lost some power for awhile but not long – around 5:30.
Tuesday, July 29 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL!!!!!!!! My brother's B-Day -
Cooler this morning – everyone survived the rain – got up very early and loading horses and dogs by 6:45 – Sent Ed out with a brace to road while we finished loading dogs & horses and stuff. More roading later – heading south end of Triple gates.
• Ernie, Midge, Brenna & Annie -- Annie slowed group down – Midge darted aftertweetie birds. 20 min. – just to acclimate – Ernie in good shape.
• Suzie & Tess – had to double hook Tess – Suzie pulled hard-10 min.
• Inde & Lea – 10 min.
• Karma & Erin – fast and furious – that's Karma – Erin a bit slower ( no conditioning) but both hunted and ranged front. Erin at 28 worked nicely into a good spot – stopped loosely – moved up and styled up. A slow approach from the front produced 3 flushes of 3 or 4 birds each and 2 pistol shots – a gentle, acceptable mark and good manners to the end. Lots of praise – sent these 2 on and got a decent finish considering we were down 45 min. & warming. Karma flat won on the ground but Erin was acceptable – Erin showed me good sense. 10 young chickens. This brace really put us into a good move and we were anxious for more work. We were in the 1st south pasture from triple gates.
• Gloria & Brie – Glory the stronger course – Brie much improved from the other day. 2 flushes of wild chickens – 1 had 9 or 10 and 1 had 4 but couldn't get
dogs to find them. Warming on this brace but plenty of water to cool them. Brie
had some turtle work but not bad – worked through or went on so we have had
a positive attitude. 32 min.
• Mariah & Amos - Mariah hunting nicely and moving with good style, Amos fast and attractive and I think a significant improvement – Mariah chased a duck and I let it go but Bob caught up with her and made the correction. Both dogs made game in an area with Chicken – some caution but wild flush and both chased – Amos caught 1st and brought back – let him go and he pointed 3 birds w/great style and manners. Both dogs got a bit lateral but still hunting as it warmed. A rather ugly encounter with a nesting duck for both dogs were not what we wanted to finish but we called it a day. 28 min. About a dozen chickens!
• Clifford & Patsy – Ed and Mary took a walking brace with Patsy showing a desire to hit the cover and Clifford got a good swimming lesson and cover hunting. Clifford a solid Turkey point at about 16 and this lit his fire for a strong finish. Good for both dogs. 20 min.
• Inde pups – 2 young pups took a walk in tall cover – they were very Inquisitive – the little girl more independent. Boy found a dead turtle.
The Hungarian Partridge arrived about 11:30 am so we got our birds all set up in their new home. Came back to camp and went out to the other Johnnie houses. Ed checked the two at home and then we went to the Steele place. We've got some work to do on them but nothing too major. We have quail coming Friday AM and we should be up to speed shortly thereafter.
A rather quiet afternoon – met a semi on the road to Steele's place and it turned out to be our dog food delivery. Back to camp for a quick unloading at the new building. Then back to finishing our chores. Still trying to breed Joy/Sorell but no luck yet. Getting close! Went to the Golden Steer restaurant in town for dinner - had a good meal and enjoyed the pleasant evening. Waitress was fun and even enjoyed our opinion of Mr. G ordering his salad with 'Dorthy Lynch' on the side. Just hit our he/haw bone last night.
Back to camp and calling it a night. Seems to be milder and less humid tonight. Hopefully this weather will break.
Wednesday, July 30 – nice this morning but the forecast is not good – heat is building and we're looking at 100's on the weekend. Andy ( Stan's Horse) broke out in hives again and I was just thinking he was over it. Got him on the med's and talked to the Vet – more coming out. He's such an outstanding horse but he has no luck with his skin. He doesn't act up at all, we just try to keep him clear of it.
Busy morning planned – trying to beat the heat.
• Suzie, Inde, Katie & Ritha - 24 min group – need to keep Ritha & Katie on the outside.
• Lea & Hank – set these two down @7:15 am – a better morning but not what I would call cool. Big moves and lots of hunt with both dogs hanging out together Lea her 1st time on the ground since January – having puppies and everything and she was amazing. Good speed and great stamina. Couldn't get them into birds – close but the race was fun. Lea was strong – hit the windmill at 24 and right back at it – Hank flowed with us better – not quite as big as Lea or her pop but still a nice time on the ground for both dogs. 38 min. Lea didn't want to get picked up and went self hunting for 7 or 8 min. 6+ chickens plus covey of baby sharptails – maybe 3-4 weeks old. Kept the dogs out of that spot.
• Bart & Trixie – Trixie the more experienced and conditioned – both hunted w/Bart into cactus – shut him down a bit but got into chickens and picked right up giving excellent chase – Trixie into chickens as well.
• Neely & Baby – Kinda of a messed up brace – Baby back to the truck Neely with then got them going – drove on and they got Baby going front – Neely went everywhere but with us – leaving and going a full mile back to the break away even though we didn't leave anything there – she's kinda off her game so far but Search and Rescue Team (Bob, Ed L. & Ed. M) got her rounded up and back to camp.
Roading: Ed continued the days list
• Sorrel, Midge, Tess & Shauna - taking it slow with Sorrel – he has lyme's and is on the treatment. Midge – good –but crazy with birds flying on the rig. Shauna a pro – Tess bit of a flake but learning. 17 min.
• Blitz, Annie & Dolly – Blitz should be an A-Team roader – Annie not real sure of the rig and Dolly a pro – just taking it easy with her. 15 min.
Mary takes Patsy and Clifford for walks in the meadow and he hunts a storm. Looking for birds.
The crew went to town and got lots of parts, pvc black pipe for a mist set up for the dogs.
Also picked up a refrigerator that we bought from Heather's grand parents. Did some grain shopping in Long Pine and checked out the local market. Made sure the Huns were well settled in and will release some tomorrow.
Back to camp and time for dinner. Still warm and humid. Problems doing much with the dogs but more progress everyday. Had a good meal and some conversation but stereo not yet working – have to get if rewired!
Thursday, July 31 – warm but a breeze. Off to the hills with our crew being ready to go early.
• Erin, Mariah, Suzie & Ritha - 22 min. solid
• Ernie & Karma – Karma the better of the two but neither one had their head on and we had a missed gate so we were totally disorientated – had them down for quite awhile but not their best. 45 min. ( 2 birds seen but none with the dogs)
• Kate & Gloria – both dogs hunted well with Gloria in better condition. NP for Kate ( not a turtle) and a few turtle pick ups but she readily dropped as long as stayed quiet--- interesting. Gloria into birds that took some correction. Kate was pretty big and went with us – a decent performance. 1 chicken – 39 min.
• Brenna & Amos – Heating up already so we cut these two loose headed up the meadow as I drove back to camp. Brenna had a NP next to the corn circle – probably a running pheasant. Both ran well in the heat – 35 min. no birds.
• Clifford - a nice run in the meadow with one bird contact. Showing a lot of hunt and good stamina at this point.
Roading: Ed back at it.
• Sorrel & Inde - 22min. solid job ( Sorrel had a tie w/Joy this morning)
• Tess & Annie – 18 min. Tess learning with Ed's patience – roading not her strong suit to this point. She needed a front hook up so she couldn't slide out and that worked – took it off at the halfway mark.
Thursday afternoon was a trip to town trying to fine Phil a phone we could be assured working or an amplifier which we had to order some of the parts. Still trying to get the sprinkler head repaired – they're just real busy around town this year.
Friday, August 1 – no roading list today – just trying to get up to speed with some birdwork. Quail coming today. Cool morning but the promise of heat this afternoon. We're out early & ready to go on the meadows.
• Brenna & Gloria – I went and put out some Huns just ahead of the group. The girls did fine until the middle of the field when a Skunk had to say hello to Gloria – she got hit but not real bad. A very nice find for Gloria – until the flush – she needed a bit of correction. Brenna got one pointed and had good style and manners. The huns are flying great. 25 min
• Sorrel & Karma – Sorrel has the ladies on his mine but was all business when he was set down – good hunting race –not quite on the edges enough but ok & Karma reaching nicely. Sorrel an opportunity to handle a legit STF which he didn't and was corrected. No birds for Karma and as we swung back – the skunk was back.
We decided to bird work a bunch but 1st did a sneak attack on our striped back menace. I don't think he'll be back to harass us.
• Shauna – worked her on the point and had a good stylish point with good manners.
• Amos – nice stylish fine with good manners.
• Midge- nice point – gone w/bird – got her attention and put a cord on her she handled it great.
Meadows: now some more running for young dogs.
• Bart & Baby (baby didn't want to go so he switched to Trixie – nice lap but no birds.
• Neely & Clifford – Clifford shows lots of hunt and pattern with good range – Neely not getting it yet – maybe won't!
• Karma – Ed took Karma back out and worked her on a bird – good job. – camp was over for Ed – he's heading out.
Went to town and got the rest of the parts for Phil's phone upgrade along with the
our first batch of quail. Did the chores and got Ed to help put birds out. We drove
down the lane to the west going to the Sidell loop and as we left camp we flushed a big
bunch of birds – all chickens – 3-4 almost full grown and another bunch ½ grown.
• Annie – Ed took Annie on a lead and got a good ST on them with no problem small steps for her but a good piece of work.
Ed and Gloria were squeaky clean for their trip home. Ed had changed clothes and loading up when he got a whiff of Gloria. Whoops – our skunk buddy had left his mark. Ed had to change again and give her a serious bath – then load up and head out. Ed's 1st trip to camp was a success and he had fun and learned about summer camp on the hills.
His dogs are fast with tons of eye appeal and honest bird dogs. He's developing a very good string.
We had a good dinner with Heather & Jason stopping by and Devin after they finished working. A long hard day but they had put a big hit in mowing – with good weather they should be done in a few days. The crew was haying late and all came by at dark for a cold one and little time to cool down. Clear night with lots of stars. Got woke up about 4 am with the dogs going ballistic – couldn't see anything but Ed heard a crash about that time – could've been the bulls were acting up and taking it out on each other. Go figure but the clarity of the stars and quantity was unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 2 – no rain in the forecast but a cloudy start to the day. Devin had to work but Jason & Heather made the trip. Jason working a horse for someone – bit of a brat but he's making progress.
This is Mary's last day for a few weeks – going to come back for a long weekend – she's been a great help and loves the game!
Roading: Ed got the 1st one off as we got ready.
• Blitz, Inde, Kate & Suzie - the old pro's just get the job done – 26 min.
Hills: Went to Richardson's school section – water back up some but not as much as other spots I've been.
• Ritha & Brie – I handled Ritha and she was quite short and handy as we punched a strong headwind – just had to let her take it easy – Brie about the same but a little more sticky around turtles – got Bob's dander up a bit and I don't blame him but a nice point with good manners on a single and as Bob went to her the rest of the covey left – 4-5 more – nice piece of work. Crossing the water Jason's horse really tried to be a brat but he stayed with it. Got them going with the wind and they opened up some. Overall a more consistent forward GD race from Ritha w/no birdwork – Brie a good bird but cactus and turtles did her in. 39 min. 6-7 chickens.
• Shauna & Erin –these 2 have the tools but Erin was just off his game early – with the young female just burying him – we worked east and Bob & Jason had to get her – back to the south it was pull and tug w/Shauna and while Erin was smooth and opened up as we turned back to camp – he really rolled the last 15+ minutes and was a pleasure to watch. Shauna has the youth and eye appeal. She couldn't be caught at pick up and they had to ride to get her. A fun brace. 30 min. 4 birds seen but none worked.
In order to move to the windmill, we through the horses in and tried to make the hill-
had to unload the horses and attack the sand – just a delay. Jason and Heather heading
to Norfolk so they're out of here. Jason made sure I could get moving before he left
• Midge & Hank – unfortunately we hit the cactus right off the bit and I'm trying to keep Midge with me – I did too good of a job. Ed Meyer was on Hank when he almost handled a STF but Bob had to chase him down. Midge had a really good STF almost getting them pointed it – but clean for the shot and a lot of praise. Just taking baby steps with her. We kept them near water and Midge and Hank had some good minutes but more time spent on cactus overall. 30 min. 2 or 3 birds.
Roading: Back at camp – heat is rising.
• Ernie, Lea & Mariah – 22 min. – no problems. Ernie in the best shape but the others doing fine.
• Dolly, Annie & Tess – 17 min. Tess off the front lead and starting to get an idea – need her to get into it & she is.
Back in the house – Owen practicing his violin – boy he's making some great music. Just fun to listen to. 98+ today with strong humidity – got the sprinkler on the dogs and tomorrow we install the 'mister'.
Birds are doing fine so far – even in the heat – going through the water and feed.
After the morning run, Mary P. and I did snap tests on 7 dogs – all negative across the board but mainly interested in Lyme's disease after seeing 2 dogs have problems. All ours were fine so that's good news. Mary was a trooper all week – hard working and pitching in wherever needed. We got 2 good ties on Joy/Sorrel breeding so that made us positive. That could be a great litter. Mary packed up and hit the road leaving Clifford out dog out of the Norwegian bitch – he's a very nice dog – good looking and a real bird dog – having lots of fun with him(Clifford for those who are interested).
Afternoon was too hot for anything but we did some shopping – got birds all filled up and then Bob got Ed all set up with his MacBook Pro computer. Mac is the wave of the future – amazing what we can do with these units. Our camp might be the most tech orientated camp with wireless, boosters, 3-4 units online at any given time - allows us amateurs to compete and enjoy our time away.
Phil, Jenny and a cast of thousands will arrive later tonight. Actual time was almost 10:00 pm just as we were getting hit with a nice rain storm. More wind, thunder and lightning than rain. Great to have them all here in camp. They spent the night unhooked but got up early and started getting things together.
Sunday, August 3 – overcast this morning with a strong breeze. More heat in the forcast for today and tomorrow but 80's the rest of the week. That's good news.
We're giving the dogs Sunday off ( maybe it's us we're giving off)!!
• Annie- Ed is leaving today so we worked Annie down at the Hun House and had a decent piece of work – she didn't see bird fly but I threw one and she stood mannerly. Not a bad Session.
• Sorrel- wanted to get his mind off Joy and he worked pretty good but couldn't solid piece –ended up with manners but he's all business when he's working birds.
We spent the morning hooking up all the pipe for the mist hook up. Got it going as it hit the mid 90's – really works well and we have a gentle mist falling over the entire string except for the California Cul de Sac which has an abundance of shade and never get's super hot.
Ed Meyer packed up and headed home – he'll be back at the tail end of camp. I think he had a fun time and he sure was a great help as were Mary & Ed Lierman. They sure made the start bearable in some very, very hot weather.
Thanks Team!!!!!!!!!
Jenny & Sue took the kids to Long Pine and they spent the afternoon in the very cool creek. Fun time! Back to camp as the Painter's arrived done haying for the day. We had plenty to eat but they had all just finished. Still had a great Pork Tenderloin with our 1st Sweet Corn. HUMMMMMMMM GoooooooD!!!!!!!!! Nice night as the kids went in and played Apples to Apples. A fun game.
On not so fun of a note. Our friend Lee Shoaf lost his dog Teama to Bone Cancer. She really lived very actively right up to the end –playing and running around with Lee's new pup. A very quick and painless end to a tough disease. She was a Clint/Patti daughter and really a fine young dog.
May the Shamrocks Fall Softly!!!!
summer camp,
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